Education and Childhood Studies
We offer a vision of higher education that gives priority to your personal, social, ethical and spiritual development.

Our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are designed to integrate subject disciplines into a coherent and challenging educational experience, offering breadth and depth.
In addition, the department also provides an academic home for a range of PhD projects supervised by our tutor team who all actively participate in high-impact, values-driven research and write within their specialist areas.
We believe that a course of study in higher education is more than just its content. In our view, higher education means learning about ourselves at the same time as we learn about academic subjects. We hope that you, in addition to studying, will also want to embrace learning as a way of life, and that these experiences together will constitute the relevance and substance of what is 'higher' in higher education. To this end our programmes combine core modules with a variety of optional modules which you can choose according to your own interests.
Putting this vision into practice means:
First, offering you the chance to challenge your ideas about the world against perspectives which try to explain the way we live.
Second, it means support for your learning so that you always know that someone is interested in your development.
Third, it means we will push you to succeed beyond your own expectations of yourself.
If we are successful, you will be aware at the end of your third year of the possibilities that the world offers you and of the ways in which you can serve the wider community.
Many of our graduates tell us that they leave with a faith in learning which lasts them well beyond the institution.
Meet the Education and Childhood Studies team
Head of Department
Dr Marie Morgan, Senior Lecturer in Education Studies
Academic team
Dr Amanda Norman, Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies
Dr Simon Boxley, Senior Lecturer in Education
Dr Michal Hall, Senior Lecturer in Education
Catherine Holloway, Lecturer in Education
Dr Karen Morris, Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies
Dr Eleanor Simpson, Lecturer in Education
Dr Adrian Skilbeck, Senior Lecturer in Education
Dr Caroline Stockman, Senior Lecturer in Education
Prof Wayne Veck, Professor of Education
Research in Education and Childhood Studies
Research and Knowledge Exchange
The Department of Education Studies and Liberal Arts is part of the Faculty of Education and the Arts. Explore the Faculty's wide-ranging and high-impact research and knowledge exchange, its centres, projects and people.
Postgraduate research supervision
We offer research supervision in a wide range of subjects. To find out more, explore our academic staff profile pages above for individual areas of supervision or use the Find an Expert search bar below.
Explore our courses
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