Freedom of Information

What is the scheme?

The Publication Scheme lists information which is routinely published by the University of Winchester. A Publication Scheme is a requirement of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities, including Universities and Colleges. The University scheme follows the model produced by the Office of the Information Commissioner.

How can I obtain the publications?

In most cases, access will be via this website. There may be a charge levied for the production of paper copies. This will cover the cost of producing the copy and sending it. The minimum charge will be £5.

Minutes of University meetings including the Board of Governors and all governor committees are available upon request. Please note all minutes will be reviewed for business sensitive and privacy related information prior to release.

All requests for non-web based publications should be directed to: 

Or by post to:

Data Protection Officer
The University of Winchester
Sparkford Road
S022 4NR

What about information not included in the Scheme?

From January 2005, you will have the right to request any information from the University, which is not included in the Publication Scheme. Requests will have to be made in writing, and we will have to respond within 20 working days. We may charge a fee, based on Fee Regulations applying at the time. We will be unable to release information which is exempted by the Act.