Research Excellence Framework (REF)

The REF is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. The next exercise will be conducted in 2029.

Research Excellence Framework

According to the results of the latest Research Excellence Framework, REF 2021, the University of Winchester has continued to develop the range and quality of its research. 

Our research rated 4* or world leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour has increased threefold since the previous REF in 2014. Most notably, we have evidenced a 147% increase in institutional research power, which is the 17th largest increase nationally. This places us at 98, compared with 107 in 2014. The overall picture of REF 2021 is positive and offers a strong foundation for our future research impact. The next REF is planned for 2028 and we are already busy gearing up for it.

Key points arising from REF 2021:

Visit the REF website to view our results in detail.