Sport Performance is a research strand of the Sport and Exercise Research Centre.

Through an interdisciplinary research approach, we aim to examine and provide interventions to enhance the sporting performance of athletes and teams.

Using a range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, ongoing research avenues include:

Strand leader

Dr Steve Smith

Academic researchers

Dr Matt Smith

Dr Jo Batey

Dr Tim Holder

Richard Cheetham


Findings from the publications above (and others) have been disseminated to researchers and various other stakeholders. Additional impact work involves:

Press releases, e.g. Tokio 2021: How Covid risks taking the fun out of the Games.

Key publications

Lally, A., Smith, M.J., & Parry, K. (2021). Exploring migration experiences of foreign footballers to England through the use of autobiographies. Soccer in Society. 

Smith, M., & Arthur, C. (2021). Understanding coach-athlete conflict: an ethnodrama to illustrate conflict in elite sport. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.

Smith, S.M., Brown, H., & Cotterill, S.T. (2021). Implementing and evaluating the practice environment model using action research. International Sport Coaching Journal.

Szedlak, C., Batey, J., Smith, M.J., & Church, M. (2021). Examining experienced S&C coaches’ reflections of psychosocial behaviours in coaching. International Sport Coaching Journal.

Postgraduate research

PhD opportunities

Current research students