Our Guarantee
We guarantee you a room in University Managed accommodation (on and off campus) or in approved University Partner accommodation, if you are a first year, full-time undergraduate who has Winchester as your firm first choice university (via UCAS) and you apply for accommodation by our published guarantee dates. Please note that our guarantee of accommodation is for a room, not a specific type of room.

We guarantee you a room in University Managed accommodation (on and off campus) or in approved University Partner accommodation, if you are a first year, full-time undergraduate who has Winchester as your firm first choice university (via UCAS) and you apply for accommodation by our published guarantee dates. Please note that our guarantee of accommodation is for a room, not a specific type of room.
We can guarantee you a room in accommodation allocated by the University if you:
- are a full-time undergraduate student in your first year at Winchester starting your course in September 2025
- complete your housing application by 13 June 2025
We allocate on a first applied, first allocated basis so you need to get your application in early.
All accommodation is University owned, managed or approved, either on or off campus.
Once you have accepted your offer of study at the University of Winchester by going firm with us, you will be able to apply for accommodation.
For more information on applying, please see our How to Apply page.
UK fee paying full-time first year undergraduate students
We guarantee* a room in University Managed Accommodation to first year full-time undergraduates whose housing application is received by Student Housing Services by 13 June 2024. Students must have selected Winchester as their firm first choice University via UCAS in order to apply. Our guarantee of accommodation is for a room within our accommodation portfolio (which includes accommodation in properties off campus managed by the University and/or a Private Halls provider) and not a specific type of room.
*Please be aware that where the guarantee is for an offer of a room, if a student rejects the offer the guarantee is no longer applicable.
Students who require a longer licence period (Nursing, Physiotherapy)
For students who require accommodation for a longer period due to their course continuing after the standard end of the academic year will still be able to apply for accommodation as others. We have set aside flats in the following areas to accommodate these students:
West Downs (en-suite)
West Downs (shared bathroom facility)
Burma Road
Queens Road
Your licence will be extended to cover the dates required.
We are unable to offer extended licences in Catered accommodation. If you select one of these as your top choice, please be aware that you will be required to move into alternative accommodation for the final few weeks of your first year of study.
If we receive more applications from this student group than we have longer licence rooms available, we will still allocate a room, but will then be required to move the student to alternative accommodation for the final few weeks of the first year of study. This will be communicated to the student in good time.
Insurance offer and clearing full-time first year undergraduate students
Students are not able to make an application until they have confirmed Winchester as their first choice. We welcome applications from students who previously held us as their insurance choice and students who are applying through Clearing. Information on what is available to apply for will be provided in August 2024.
International fee paying full-time students
We guarantee* a room in University Managed accommodation to full-time International students for their first year of study, provided they hold Winchester as their firm first choice University and apply for accommodation by 5pm Thursday 31 August 2024.
Accommodation may also be available for International students beyond their first year of study subject to availability. Students can reapply for accommodation in each subsequent year by the deadlines published on our website.
*Please be aware that where the guarantee is for an offer of a room, where a student rejects the offer, the guarantee is no longer applicable.
Channel Islands students
We guarantee* a room in University Managed accommodation to full-time Channel Islands students for their first year of study, provided they hold Winchester as their firm first choice University and apply for accommodation by 13 June 2024
Accommodation may also be available for Channel Islands students beyond their first year of study, subject to availability and students reapplying for accommodation in each subsequent year.
*Please be aware that where the guarantee is for an offer of a room, where a student rejects the offer, the guarantee is no longer applicable.
Postgraduate students
There will be a proportion of accommodation available for postgraduate students. Rooms are allocated on a first applied, first allocated basis. We aim to house postgraduate students together in mature areas (over 24yrs) however this is dependent on the number of applications and accommodation areas available. If there are no further rooms available with other students of a similar age, you may be allocated a room with students age 18+.
Part-time students
We’re sorry that we can’t accommodate Part-time students. You will need to secure accommodation in the Private Sector and Student Housing Services will be pleased to provide information and advice to assist you.
Please see the off campus information
Students with additional requirements
We endeavour to provide students with disabilities or a severe medical condition, who provide evidence of medical needs, accommodation (subject to availability of suitable rooms) for the duration of their course. Applications must be received by 13 June 2024 and then in each subsequent year by the deadlines published on this web page.
For those with multiple or complex needs, we strongly recommend that you contact the Disabilities and Learning Diversity Team, (+44 (0) 1962 827341) in Student Services and Student Housing Services as early as possible to have a discussion about your needs. For further information about your accommodation options, please visit this page.
We will do our best to accommodate late applications but cannot guarantee a room or a particular type of room where applications are made after the deadline date. If you have any specific requirements, please contact us to discuss this further.
If you are unsure if you are covered by this category, please contact Student Housing Services.
Couples and students with families
There are a small number of one and two bedroom flats on campus within our vibrant student villages. We will normally allocate to families first, over couples applying a level of needs based assessment to applications, alongside our first applied first allocated policy and availability.
Students whose course commences in January
Students who are due to start a course which commences in January are still able to apply for accommodation. We will ensure that accommodation is provided to you, however, please do be advised that we may be required to move you mid-licence. Information will be provided on this.