Department of Social Sciences

We offer a stimulating, multidisciplinary environment at the forefront of the study of a range of contemporary social issues such as climate change, identity and inequality.

The department is home to a high-quality range of programmes in the following broad subject areas:

Our undergraduate courses draw on the expertise of staff within our department as well as specialists in areas from across the University such as from Philosophy, Law, Linguistics and Psychology, and beyond.

At postgraduate level, we offer an MA in Politics and International Relations, and we warmly welcome enquiries about postgraduate research.

Explore our rich course offering

Our dynamic staff have a wealth of experience in teaching, research and practice, to help our students address many questions that are crucial to understanding the rapidly changing world in the 21st century.

We carry out creative, dynamic research that makes a difference in the real world. All of our staff are actively engaged in research, engagement and the creation of new knowledge which feeds directly into our programmes.

We work collaboratively for positive change in the local, national and global community. The Department has developed strong external relationships and students have been able to do placements with a wide variety of organisations. In some cases this has led to subsequent employment. Students are encouraged to be proactive about placements and to seek out their own work experience opportunities within their course; however, a number of staff maintain close links with a range of external organisations and are able to provide advice and assistance.

The department has dedicated specialist facilities and we are well equipped to undertake both fieldwork and laboratory-based projects as part of our Geography course. Explore our facilities.


Meet the team

Head of Department


Technical staff

Animal Welfare, Science, Behaviour, Ethics and Law

Meet the Animal Welfare team, based in the Animal Welfare Research Group.

Politics and International Relations


Research in Social Sciences

Research strengths

Research in Animal Welfare 

Research in Animal Welfare is focussed on human-animal studies and animal welfare science, ethics and law. To find out more, explore the Animal Welfare Research Group.

Research in Geography

Physical/environmental geography:

  • Biogeography
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Flood risk management

Human/developmental geography: 

  • Urban studies
  • Globalisation
  • Rural crime
  • Organised crime
  • Geoscience and (cyber)security issues
  • Disaster management
  • Environmental issues and society
  • Food security/the future of farming
  • Water security

Research in Politics

  • Political economy
  • Financial crises
  • Neoliberalism and capitalist restructuring
  • Financialisation and the political economy of labour and production
  • International relations
  • War and conflict
  • Peace and reconciliation
  • Integration of refugees
  • Terrorism and security
  • Contemporary US politics and US foreign policy
  • China, NATO, the EU, Brexit
  • Politics and gender

Research in Sociology

  • Social welfare from a socio-legal perspective
  • Gender, feminism and social activism
  • Migration and diasporas
  • Ageing society and mobility
  • Quality of life and climate change
  • Sustainable consumption
  • People's experiences with housing and the urban built environment 

Postgraduate research supervision

We offer research supervision in a wide range of subjects. To find out more, explore our academic staff profile pages above for individual areas of supervision or use the Find an Expert search bar below.

Visit the Research Degrees section to find out everything you need to know about postgraduate research degrees at Winchester.

Explore our courses

Find out more about our courses in Social Sciences

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