Environment and Society
Forging new pathways. Alliance and debate. Caring for the world.

Environment and Society INTRODUCTION
Challenge your thinking around the local, national and global obstacles of the modern day. If you’re compassionate for the world around you and want to expand your knowledge of the systems that instruct our human nature, Environment and Society is your ideal subject area.
At every turn we encourage our students to make a difference, something which our industry leading teaching staff are truly passionate about. Whether it’s looking into new ways to protect our planet or developing a deeper understanding of international co-operation, the courses in this subject area are driven by a compelling need for good.
Foundation Environment and Society COURSES
Undergraduate Environment and Society COURSES
Sociology is an exciting and vibrant subject that explores the social issues impacting our fast-moving world. Whether it’s tackling topics like gender and sexuality, crime, or inequalities, Sociology’s focus on people and cultures is key to understanding the challenges and opportunities of our current landscape.
Read moreAnimal Welfare and Society
You will explore connections and relationships between humans and other animals, and critically review theories, philosophies and issues concerning the treatment of them. You will study a range of issues including animal welfare; animal ethics; animal law; consuming animals; criminality and animals; animal representations; animals and policy; environment and animals; and animal advocacy.
Read moreCriminology with Sociology
Criminology has never been concerned solely with crime. Criminologists have always wanted to define the nature of crime and explain its social causes. Although you learn a lot about both criminology and sociology on our joint honours programme, the unique value of its interdisciplinary approach is that it provides deeper insights into the nature and origin of crime.
Read moreHistory and Politics
Understanding the past is crucial to facing the political challenges of the future. Our History and Politics degree challenges you to interpret the history of societies and political cultures critically and imaginatively. Studying these two complementary subjects together will not only help you understand how the world works, but why it works this way.
Read morePolitics with International Relations
How on earth do we make sense of Brexit, Trump and terrorism? Why do countries go to war? And how can I actively participate in policy making? Our compelling course and enthusiastic team of expert lecturers will help you answer these questions and get to grips with the complexity of domestic, regional and international political life.
Read moreAnimal Science and Conservation
Are you passionate about protecting animals and the environment? If you want to make a difference and aim to end animal suffering then our progressive animal science degree is for you.
Read moreGeography
From glaciers to megacities, Geography is the study of the earth’s processes, both natural and human. As a subject it has the capacity to take you almost anywhere and field exploration is a major component of the course. Our BSc explores some of the most pressing issues facing the planet in the 21st century: climate change, pressures on the natural world and society and how these can be mitigated and managed.
Read morePostgraduate Environment and Society COURSES
Politics and International Relations
Politics and International Relations at Winchester examines government and society at the local, regional, and global level, enabling you to critically evaluate key issues in both contemporary and historical settings in a multidisciplinary approach from the economic, political, social and cultural from the perspective of state organisations, non-state bodies, and international institutions and groups.
Read moreAnimal Welfare, Behaviour, Ethics and Law
Animal Welfare, Behaviour, Ethics and Law at Winchester critically reflects upon contemporary uses of animals, and provides the academic skills and expertise needed to protect animals and advance their welfare. Winchester is a world leader in terms of the values held and discussed, such as compassion and social justice, which are central to the ethos of this course.
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"Some of the opportunities we got to do research for our dissertations were absolutely brilliant and you wouldn’t find anywhere else."

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