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Dr Annabelle Boulay is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography with interests in Development Geography including Food and Water security and related environmental issues, as well as natural resources and security issues and the role of humanitarian aid in disaster management. She joined the Department of Social Sciences in 2023.
Annabelle has extensive experience of research using both qualitative and quantitative methods and has worked on several multi-disciplinary research projects with international researchers on research topics such as development geography (agriculture and food security), social, cultural geography (food consumption) and rural geography as well as environmental issues and development of innovative research methods.
Areas of expertise
- Development geography and humanitarian aid
- Food security
- Water security
- Environmental issues and society
- Geoscience and security
- Natural hazards, disaster management
Boulay, A and Tonkin, T. (in press) Geoscience students’ perception of feedback: results from focus groups. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.
Boulay, A, Robinson, G.M, Barr, S.W., Shaw G. and Metcalfe, A. (2021). Exploring household dynamics for recycling in the UK: A case study of recycling habits in Greater London, In: T. Tudor and C.J.C. Dutra (eds), The Routledge handbook on waste, resources and the circular economy. Routledge, Abingdon (Oxon) and New York. Chapter 26, pp. 273-286.
Boulay, A. and Pope, R. (2018). The impact of the Common Agricultural Policy on Cretan landscape and rural livelihood. Proceeding of 13th European IFSA Symposium: Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities. Chania, 1st – 5th July 2018. Read it online.
Boulay A, Gancheva V, Houghton J, Strada A, Sora B, Sala R and Rowe G (2015). Peanut exposure from pregnancy to weaning: A characterisation of practices in four countries and implications for differences in allergy prevalence rates. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39 (1): 51-59.
Prusak A, Schlegel-Zawadzka M, Boulay A, Rowe G (2014). Characteristics of the peanut chain in Europe – implications for peanut allergy. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13 (3): 321-333
Kenton C, Boulay A and Rowe G (2013). Salt: UK consumers’ perceptions and consumption patterns Appetite (70): 104-111.
Boulay A (2010) Organic Farming: A Solution to Agriculture Crisis or a “New” Trend to Healthy Eating? An overview of French and British Farmers. In Lorber, L (ed) Special Issue for the 17th Annual Colloquium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems, Journal for Geography, 5 (1) 125-134.
Boulay A and Robinson G (2010a). Dairy under attack! Farm survival strategies on Dorset dairy farms during the 'Dairy Crisis' IN Mose I, Robinson G, Schmied D and Wilson G (eds) Globalisation and rural transitions in Germany and the UK. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen: 35-54.
Boulay A and Robinson G (2010b). Farm diversification and multifunctionality in a dairy region: constraints, traditions and change in Normandy, France proceeding of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems: New ruralities and sustainable use of territory: 55-69.
Sora B, Boulay A, Sala R, Houghton J, Gancheva V, Strada A, Schlegel-Zawadzka M, Rowe G (2009). A characterisation of peanut consumption in four countries: results from focus groups and their implications for peanut allergy prevalence International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33:676-83.
Grimshaw K E C, Allen K, Edwards C A, Beyer K, Boulay A, van der Aa L B, Sprikkelman A, Belohlavkova S, Clausen M, Dubakiene R, Duggan E, Reche M, Marino L V, Norhede P, Ogorodova L, Schoemaker A, Stanczyk-Przyluska A, Szepfalusi Z, Vassilopoulou E, Veehof S H E, Vlieg-Boerstra B J, Wjst M, Dubois A E J (2009). Infant feeding and allergy prevention: A review of current knowledge and recommendations. A EuroPrevall State of the Art paper Allergy 64: 1407-1416.
Boulay A, Houghton J, Gancheva V, Sterk Y, Strada A, Schlegel-Zawadzka M, Sora B, Sala R, van Ree R, Rowe G (2008). A EuroPrevall review of factors affecting incidence of peanut allergy: Priorities for research and policy Allergy 63 797-809.
Conference and poster presentations
Boulay, A (2021). Urban Agriculture in Abidjan. Derby ESRC seminar, 20th October 2022, Derby.
Robinson, G and Boulay, A (2021). Slow Food Down Under: A New Food Landscape in South Australia?, Montpelier, IGU- AGLE Conference, 24th – 26th March 2021, Online.
Boulay, A (2020). Rural development and food security in dairy Sindh region, Pakistan. Derby ESRC Annual Conference, 22th June 2020, Derby.
Boulay, A. (2018). The impact of the Common Agricultural Policy on Cretan landscape and rural livelihood. 13th European IFSA Symposium: Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, Chania, 1st – 5th July 2018.
Boulay, A. (2018). Recycling habits among French and British young children and teenagers, Derby ESRC Annual Conference, 29th June 2018, Derby.
Boulay, A. (2017). Recycling identity: a French perspective, Derby ESRC Annual Conference, 28th June 2017, Derby.
Boulay, A. (2016). The role of identity and culture in recycling behaviour in tower blocks: Case Study of France. Derby ESRC Annual Conference, 27th June 2016, Derby.
Boulay, A (2013). Unpacking the Household: exploring the dynamics of household recycling. Workshop, 21st November, University of Exeter.
Boulay, A (2010). Organic, local or ethic? Review of consumer criteria vis-à-vis organic food in the UK, Anglo-French Rural Geography Conference, Colchester, July 2010.
Boulay A (2009). Characterising the ‘peanut experience’ in four European countries: Implications for allergy prevalence? EuroPrevall, 28th -30th October, Florence, Italy.
Boulay A (2009). Organic farming: a solution to agriculture crisis or a 'new' trend to healthy eating? An overview of French and British farmers Maribor, Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems: New ruralities and sustainable use of territory, IGU, XVII Annual conference, 12 – 18 July 2009.
Boulay A and Robinson G (2008). Farm diversification and multifunctionality in a dairy region: constraints, traditions and change in Normandy, France Zaragoza, Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems: New ruralities and sustainable use of territory, IGU, XVI Annual conference, 2008 August 4th-8th.
Robinson G and Boulay A (2008). Dairy under attack! Farm survival strategies on Dorset dairy farms during the 'Dairy Crisis' Universität Oldenburg, Germany, ‘Globalisation and rural transitions in Germany and the UK’ June 26-30 2008.
Boulay A (2008). Peanuts in Ghana: production, processing, consumption and allergy Lambarene (GABON), Geographical variation in food allergies studied in Gabon, Ghana and Indonesia: risk and protective factors, 23rd-25th June 2008, Lambarene, Gabon.
Boulay A, Houghton J, Rowe G, Strada A, Schlegel-Zawadzka M, Sala R, Sora B, Sterk Y, Gancheva V, van Ree R (2008). Factors affecting incidence of peanut allergy: priorities for research and policy American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Annual Meeting, March 14th-18th 2008, Philadelphia, USA (poster).
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