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Our News

Press Release
University of Winchester offers business growth programme to female entrepreneurs
A fully-funded business growth programme aimed at supporting women in business is to launch in the region. One hundred female entrepreneurs, who have been in business for at least a year and who want to transform their business, are being offered free places to undertake the programme managed by the University of Winchester and supported by NatWest Read more
Press Release
University of Winchester Writers' Festival 2018 writing competitions open for entries
There is still time for aspiring poets, novelists and creative writers of all kinds to enter the popular University of Winchester Writers' Festival 2018 writing competitions which are open until Friday 11 April 2018. Read more
Press Release
Event at University of Winchester set to support local businesses in contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Business Goals
Many businesses today think about sustainability and their social responsibilities but how does this fit with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Booking is now open for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Roadshow, which is to make Winchester the first stop on its 2018 tour with an event hosted in partnership with the University Read more
Press Release
Blue Apple and University of Winchester cement fruitful partnership with residency
Blue Apple Theatre is moving its headquarters into the University of Winchester where the Blue Apple team will work closely alongside colleagues in the Faculty of Arts, thanks to a five-year residency announced by the University today [add date]. Read more
Press Release
University of Winchester experts help uncover the history of Norman Winchester for TV show
Medieval history and archaeology experts from the University of Winchester feature in an upcoming episode of the Channel Four series Britain's Most Historic Towns which focuses on Winchester, to be broadcast on Saturday 21 April. Read more
Expect the unexpected: Winchester-Mandela Museum Exchange 2018
Eleven Winchester undergraduates, studying teacher education and film, are currently on a two-week placement in South Africa as part of the University's partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum. We'll be featuring regular posts from them during their visit: here's the first report from trainee teacher Evie Mobley-Down. Read more
Press Release
Climate change-themed music album shortlisted for international award
The University of Winchester’s record label has been nominated for an international Green Gown Award for its climate change-themed album. The album This Changes Everything, features 11 original tracks created by University students and staff through Splendid Fred Records. Read more
Ever felt like an A list celebrity? We have: Winchester-Nelson Mandela Museum Exchange 2018
In the latest blog from Winchester students on a placement in South Africa - part of the University's partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum - student teacher Leah Knape talks about lectures, sharing Nelson Mandela's legacy and learning traditional African dancing. Read more
Teaching in a class where there is little English has had its challenges: Winchester-Nelson Mandela Museum Exchange 2018
Student teacher Alex Parnell shares her experience of teaching in a South African primary school during a two-week placement in the country, which is part of the University's partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum. Read more
Press Release
University of Winchester project to engage schools in support of service children celebrates success
The success of Festival of Friends, a project to increase support for children from military service families, was celebrated with a prize-giving at the University of Winchester on 17 April. Read more
Press Release
Don't judge a book by its cover: Human Library challenges stereotypes through conversation
A library with a difference, where 'books' are people and 'reading' is a conversation, is set to challenge stereotypes and prejudice at a special event at the University of Winchester on Tuesday 15 May. Read more
April 2018 at the University of Winchester
As students relaxed over Easter break, our campus continued to buzz with activity of all varieties. April was a busy month, packed full of awards, new commitments and agreements, and celebrations. Find out more by reading our highlights below: Read more
Royal Weddings: Continuity, Change and Controversy
As we look forward to celebrating the Royal wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor on Saturday, Dr Elena (Ellie) Woodacre, Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Winchester, explains how the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle fits comfortably into the long history of royal weddings, despite changes to tradition and protocol. Read more
Press Release
Character at least as important as curriculum
Tenacity is a crucial quality that young people need to develop in order to thrive while they are at school and in their life beyond, argue University of Winchester experts in a new book which was launched at the University of Winchester on Tuesday 15 May. Read more
Press Release