BA (Hons)

Event Management


From music festivals and business conferences to exhibitions and fundraisers – the events industry is varied, vibrant and consistently expanding. 

Group of people at a festival

Course overview

On this course, you will learn how to combine creativity with careful planning to deliver memorable and well-managed events for the University and our many industry partners.  

In Year 1, you are introduced to the principles of event design, digital innovation and global challenges facing the event, tourism and hospitality industries as well as essential business topics including marketing, finance and career development. During Years 2 and 3, the major global event specialisms are analysed such as business events, music festivals, mega events and sports events. You will design and produce live events throughout the programme, working with real life client briefs. 

You will also gain an appreciation of the moral and ethical responsibilities of event managers, including an awareness of the need to generate sustainable value for their businesses and society at large, and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.  

Via integrated industry links, you will work alongside current professionals as part of your studies and will plan events and develop research for real clients. 

Pursue your own learning goals and career aspirations by choosing from a range of interesting optional modules. You also have the option to undertake a year-long industry placement as well as opportunities to study abroad as part of an exchange program, enhancing employability and professional confidence.

CIM Accredited Degree

What you need to know

Course start date



On campus

Course length

  • 3 years full-time
  • 6 years part-time



Typical offer

96-112 points


From £9,250 pa

Course features

  • Gain the practical skills to become a confident, responsible and innovative global event manager 
  • Project-manage high-profile and large-scale live events to garner real-world experience 
  • Strong links with industry associations and professional organisations that provide access to competitions, research, employment and events 
  • Opportunities for an industry placement year, final year placement project and studying abroad

Course details

Our aim is to shape 'confident learners' by enabling you to develop the skills needed to excel in your studies here and as well as onto further studies or the employment market. 

You are taught primarily through a combination of lectures and seminars, allowing opportunities to discuss and develop your understanding of topics covered in lectures in smaller groups.

In addition to the formally scheduled contact time such as lectures and seminars etc.), you are encouraged to access academic support from staff within the course team and the wide range of services available to you within the University.

Independent Learning.

Over the duration of your course, you will be expected to develop independent and critical learning, progressively building confidence and expertise through independent and collaborative research, problem-solving and analysis with the support of staff. You take responsibility for your own learning and are encouraged to make use of the wide range of available learning resources available.

Overall Workload.

Your overall workload consists of class contact hours, independent learning and assessment activity.

While your actual contact hours may depend on the optional modules you select, the following information gives an indication of how much time you will need to allocate to different activities at each level of the course.

Year 1 (Level 4): Teaching, learning and assessment: 288 hours. Independent learning: 912 hours
Year 2 (Level 5): Teaching, learning and assessment: 216 hours. Independent learning: 960 hours. Placement: 24 hours
Year 3 (Level 6): Teaching, learning and assessment: 144 hours. Independent learning: 840 hours. Placement:216 hours

*Please note these are indicative hours for the course. 

Teaching Hours

All class based teaching takes places between 9am – 6pm, Monday to Friday during term time. Wednesday afternoons are kept free from timetabled teaching for personal study time and for sports clubs and societies to train, meet and play matches. There may be some occasional learning opportunities (for example, an evening guest lecturer or performance) that take places outside of these hours for which you will be given forewarning.


Our validated courses may adopt a range of means of assessing your learning. An indicative, and not necessarily comprehensive, list of assessment types you might encounter includes essays, portfolios, supervised independent work, presentations, written exams, or practical performances.

We ensure all students have an equal opportunity to achieve module learning outcomes. As such, where appropriate and necessary, students with recognised disabilities may have alternative assignments set that continue to test how successfully they have met the module's learning outcomes. Further details on assessment types used on the course you are interested in can be found on the course page, by attending an Open Day or Open Evening, or contacting our teaching staff.

Percentage of the Coursework Assessed

The assessment balance between examination and coursework depends to some extent on the optional modules you choose. The approximate percentage of the course assessed by different assessment modes is as follows:

Year 1 (Level 4)*: 75% coursework. 13% written exams. 12% practical exams
Year 2 (Level 5)*: 75% coursework. 0% written exams. 25% practical exams
Year 3 (Level 6)*: 87% coursework. 13% written exams. 0% practical exams

*Please note these are indicative percentages and modes for the programme.


We are committed to providing timely and appropriate feedback to you on your academic progress and achievement in order to enable you to reflect on your progress and plan your academic and skills development effectively. You are also encouraged to seek additional feedback from your course tutors.


Please note the modules listed are correct at the time of publishing. The University cannot guarantee the availability of all modules listed and modules may be subject to change. The University will notify applicants of any changes made to the core modules listed. For further information please refer to


Discovering Your Subject

Whatever your plans for your future career, there are certain professional skills that you'll need in your workplace. This module provides opportunities to acquire and apply essential skills for academic success, while also developing digital skills that are a prerequisite for a successful career.

You will practice, and build confidence in wide ranging skills, as part of your transition into higher education. By establishing and pursuing a personal development plan, you will develop a set of personal qualities such as self-awareness, confidence and resilience; and professional skills such as communication, teamwork, risk management, coaching and feedback. Whilst you will learn to construct an outstanding CV and professional LinkedIn profile, this module also aims to raise your digital skills competencies. The module covers the general Microsoft Office suite and specific digital skills of particular relevance to the discipline that you are studying. This module is taught as a mix of lectures, practitioner guest lectures, hands-on skills seminars and computer lab sessions.

International Events in Context

This module aims to provide a foundation for students to develop their understanding of the relationshipbetween the global tourism, hospitality and events industries and potential impacts at international level.

Global Challenges

Students will discuss and develop and understanding of current research on the changing world of the events,hospitality, and tourism industries. looking at worldwide positive and negative impacts of event types such as sport, music, weddings and business events and how current and historical trends have adapted to current crisis and moving economic awareness and pressures. Students will also understand key events worldwide and how this shapes the event industry today.

Events, Hospitality and Events

Students will learn about the vital relationships between the event, hospitality, and tourism industries andhow they work together to produce a successful event. This module will also introduce students to the characteristics and key players of each industry, with a view on how they create success together and challenges they face both individually and collaboratively, with a focus on ethical decision making in the event world and awareness around moral considerations in world of tourism.

Responsible Consumption and Stakeholder Analysis

Study of these closely connected industries will enable students to demonstrate a critical understanding of the effect the multi stakeholder perspective of a sustainable event management industry. This module will provide an awareness of global impact from an environmental, economic, and socio-economic perspective and an awareness of creative and digital solutions will be researched and practiced.

Events Operations

This module will begin to equip students with the practical skills and knowledge needed to deliver creative, innovative successful events on a global scale, alongside understanding how it ensure the safety and well- being of its employees as well as its attendees.


Creative Design

The module will explore the creative process of designing events, from event production techniques and audio-visual equipment to site design and digital software. Students will explore international approaches to event design and will compare best practice in terms of delivering successful events aligned to a real life customer brief.

Risk Analysis

Students will identify common event hazards and UK legislation, which affects a variety of planned events alongside international awareness of risk management in the world of events and hospitality. Students will research various risk management methods, health and safety directives and sustainability guidelines will be investigated so that they begin to develop the skills and knowledge required to deliver live events safely.

Event Delivery

Students will deliver a live event to a real life brief, through this process students will develop an understanding of the expectations of the customer and all relevant stakeholders, overcome challenges faced with budget control, restrictions, marketing and expectation management before, during and after the event.

Introduction to Marketing

This module introduces the concepts, theories, and practices of marketing. It explores the meaning and scopeof modern marketing as both a management philosophy and a business function. The module contains three



Marketing concepts are examined in depth, emphasising the importance of aligning marketing strategies with market demands. Students are encouraged to develop a critical marketing perspective, considering the broader impact of marketing on the economy, society, and the environment.


Students will learn the fundamental methodologies and techniques collecting, analysing, and interpreting data. It equips them with the necessary skills to conduct valuable research and contribute to evidence-based marketing practices in today's fast-paced business environment. Students will gain a deep understanding of how marketing research offers valuable insights into consumer behaviour, market trends, and competition.


Students will explore contemporary consumer behaviour theory and its relevance in marketing management, decision-making, and societal contexts. Various disciplinary perspectives, including economics, psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology, are examined to reveal the motivations underlying consumer behaviour.


Research and Consultancy Skills

This module enables students to develop their understanding and competence in using diverse research methods for academic and professional purposes. Students will explore a variety of research approaches and will develop practical qualitative and quantitative research skills including defining and scoping a project; designing an effective and manageable research protocol; collecting data and using appropriate analysis methods. In addition, students will develop an appreciation of ethical implications of the research process to facilitate responsible research practice. Secondly this module aims to introduce students to the key stages required to complete an applied project from concept to delivery. Students will be taught how to manage a project and contribute effectively as a member of a project team, using ideas generation techniques and problem-solving skills to develop innovative solutions to business problems. This module contributes to the students continued professional development as students will gain key insights into how to perform technical process improvement tasks in a range of environments to solve business problems.

The Global Stage

Each event category has specific characteristics and tremendous local and global significance alongside impact and legacy. These themes will form the basis for this module where we will discover the different categories of event types and how they contribute within the event industry.

Sponsorship and Mega Events
Students will critically analyse the bidding process for mega events, how major events are funded and  marketed and how this contributes to event success for all stakeholders. Students will discuss relevant income streams and assess how these can affect business growth and impact of event reputation as well as marketing success.

Operational Planning and Responsible Management
In preparation of the forthcoming live event, students will discover and debate what the sustainable challenges will be for the event and secondary research carried out. They will also analyse what their chosen event and destination are doing to promote sustainable practice and responsible management and planning. Legacy, corporate and sport tourism will be discussed in further detail and students will investigate large scaleevent operations including the complexities of crowd management.

Event Management and Media Relations
Students will discover the relationship between corporate, sporting, music and personal events and various media / PR platforms. Varied and diverse marketing strategies will be discussed, and students will run a live event that allows them to display their research and share their knowledge of event categories and the promotion of these within an international setting.

Event Management for a Sustainable Future

This module introduces students to the broader context of events and analyses how the event industry, professions, education, and related industries such as hospitality, tourism have evolved through a sustainable and responsible lens. Key aspects of the module include investigating the political, economic, and social environment that impacts on events and the impact that events can have on a local, national and global scale.


Political, Social and Economic Event Context
Students will evaluate current research around the political challenges for major and mega events, the impact of a changing governmental approach to event legislation and how the SDG’s can form part of a growing trend within large scale events. The module will also discuss the social and economic challenges facing the event, hospitality and tourism industries and students will learn how these industries work together to produce events that focus on a more sustainable approach and reduce negative impact.

Event Impact on a Global Scale
This module will analyse key events worldwide whilst evaluating their approaches to positive and negative impacts on the community and environment. Students will learn how the event industry can reduce consumption and environmental strain by implementing digital platforms to enhance events and user experiences. A focus on future trends and design challenges will also be discussed through experiential learning and current research.

Sustainable Event Practice
The role of event management will be located within the broader debate concerning responsible management, sustainability, climate crisis impact, corporate social responsibility and ethics. Students will research current event policy and look to evaluate best practice at leading international events, discuss event legacy and future focused sustainable approaches to tourism and hospitality.

Optional Modules
  • Volunteering - 15 credits
  • Creativity, Design and Innovation - 15 credits
  • Performance Marketing - 30 credits
  • Relationship Marketing - 30 credits


Contemporary Issues in Event Management

This practical module will enable students to advance their digital and client relationship skills, as well as live event planning and delivery on behalf of an industry partner. This module will include exploration of modern management practices within the industry and the findings from client-based research. This module will also enable students to investigate a specific career path within the industry and begin preparation for their next step into employment within the industry or onto further study.

Event Planning Today

In this module students will work alongside industry professionals and clients with a view to resolving current industry challenges, discuss climate impact and develop digitally sustainable business practice. Students will explore current career opportunities and through a series of workshops, embed these skills into their daily lives as they work with clients on live event briefs and present solution-based ideas in the context of event design.

Event Design and Delivery

Students will scrutinise the event planning process using a series of relevant and justified event and business management tools to design, plan and deliver a live event aligned with their clients' requirements. They will present results to the client for feedback and de-briefing, whilst analysing the contemporary issues the client has faced and how their event has assisted in developing this positively.

Digital Trends

Event management uses many varied and wide-ranging skills, tools and platforms to design, plan and deliver outstanding events. Students will be responsible for carrying out research that allows them to develop a deeper understanding of these with a focus on digital enhancements available to the event industry. Students will also explore through debates and exploration any challenges these have produced.

Festivals and Cultural Events

This module will enable students to discover and evaluate the concept of how festivals and cultural events enhance or impact local communities and contribute to society. At the heart of this module is how the evolution of festivals & cultural events influence event planning, and as such, it will be analyzed and critically evaluated with reference to key theories and international case studies. 

The Origins of Festivals and Cultural Events 

Festivals are an essential part of events and tourism, connected with ceremonies and rituals in various forms. Students will analyze the origins and evolution of festivals and cultural events, showing a critical understanding of the importance of these events both in a local and global context. Communities and culture will be discussed, and students will investigate the impact this continues to have on events. 

Tourism and Cultural Event Impact 

The socially constructed concept of culture will be explored in relation to the arts, heritage and tourism. Students will examine the social, economic and political significance of cultural events and discuss how this may shape event design, event operations and determine post event evaluation. The relationship between cultural events and tourism will be critically analyzed using case studies and academic theory. 

Ethical Festival Awareness 

Students will research ethical approaches to producing events of socio-cultural significance. Using academic theory and contemporary issues, students will consider global topics such as human rights, the climate emergency and economic inequality to critically evaluate how these impact festivals and cultural events now and in the future.

Optional modules


  • Capstone Project: Dissertation - 30 credits
  • Capstone Project: Consultancy Project - 30 credits
  • Capstone Project: Placement for Good - 30 credits
  • Capstone Project: Start Up for Good - 30 credits
  • Brand Innovation and Management - 30 credits
  • Social Media Management - 30 credits
  • Communications Management - 30 credits

Entry requirements

96-112 points

Our offers are typically made using UCAS tariff points to allow you to include a range of level 3 qualifications and as a guide, the requirements for this course are equivalent to:

  • A-Levels: CCC-BBC from 3 A Levels or equivalent grade combinations (e.g. CCC is comparable to BCD in terms of tariff points)
  • BTEC/CTEC: MMM-DMM from BTEC or Cambridge Technical (CTEC) qualifications
  • International Baccalaureate: To include a minimum of 2 Higher Level certificates at grade H4
  • T Level: Pass (C or above on the core) in a T Level

Additionally, we accept tariff points achieved for many other qualifications, such as the Access to Higher Education Diploma, Scottish Highers, UAL Diploma/Extended Diploma and WJEC Applied Certificate/Diploma, to name a few. We also accept tariff points from smaller level 3 qualifications, up to a maximum of 32, from qualifications like the Extended Project (EP/EPQ), music or dance qualifications.

In addition to level 3 study, the following GCSE’s are required:

GCSE English Language at grade 4 or C, or higher. Functional Skills at level 2 is accepted as an alternative, however Key Skills qualifications are not. If you hold another qualification, please get in touch and we will advise further.

If you will be over the age of 21 years of age at the beginning of your undergraduate study, you will be considered as a mature student. This means our offer may be different and any work or life experiences you have will be considered together with any qualifications you hold. UCAS have further information about studying as a mature student on their website which may be of interest.

International points required

If English is not your first language, a formal English language test will most likely be required and you will need to achieve the following:

  • IELTS Academic at 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in all four components (for year 1 entry)
  • We also accept other English language qualifications, such as IELTS Indicator, Pearson PTE Academic, Cambridge C1 Advanced and TOEFL iBT

If you are living outside of the UK or Europe, you can find out more about how to join this course by contacting our International Recruitment Team via our International Apply Pages.

2024 Course Tuition Fees

  UK / Channel Islands /
Isle of Man / Republic of Ireland 


Year 1 £9,250 £16,700
Year 2 £9,250 £16,700
Year 3 £9,250 £16,700
Total £27,750 £50,100
Optional Sandwich Year* £1,850 £3,340
Total with Sandwich Year £29,600 £53,440

Additional tuition fee information

If you are a UK student starting your degree in September 2024, the first year will cost you £9,250**. Based on this fee level, the indicative fees for a three-year degree would be £27,750 for UK students.

Remember, you don’t have to pay any of this upfront if you are able to get a tuition fee loan from the UK Government to cover the full cost of your fees each year.

UK Part-Time fees are calculated on a pro rata basis of the full-time fee for a 120 credit course. The fee for a single credit is £77.08 and a 15 credit module is £1,156. Part-time students can take up to a maximum 90 credits per year, so the maximum fee in a given year will be the government permitted maximum fee of £6,935.

International part-time fees are calculated on a pro rata basis of the full-time fee for a 120 credit course. The fee for a single credit is £139.14 and a 15 credit module is £2,087.

* Please note that not all courses offer an optional sandwich year.

**The University of Winchester will charge the maximum approved tuition fee per year.

Additional costs

As one of our students all of your teaching and assessments are included in your tuition fees, including, lectures/guest lectures and tutorials, seminars, laboratory sessions and specialist teaching facilities. You will also have access to a wide range of student support and IT services.

There might be additional costs you may encounter whilst studying. The following highlights the mandatory and optional costs for this course:


Core Text: multiple copies of core text are held within the library and e-books are identified where possible, however due to limited availability students are recommended to purchase a copy for their own use. It is possible for students to purchase second-hand copies. Indicative cost: £50 - £300 per year

Trip: students may have the option to attend one trip per year of study. Indicative cost: £30 - £40

Overseas Trip: students may have the opportunity to take an optional module in Normandy during their second year. This is a 5-day programme. Indicative cost: £613 - £813


Printing and Binding
The University is pleased to offer our students a printing allowance of £5 each academic year. This will print around 125 A4 (black and white) pages. If students wish to print more, printer credit can be topped up by the student. The University and Student Union are champions of sustainability and we ask all our students to consider the environmental impact before printing.


We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course. To see if you’re eligible, please see our Scholarships and Awards.


The buoyant and growing events management sector is currently estimated to be worth £42 billion in the UK and £2 trillion globally. Graduates find jobs in event management companies, venues, leisure departments, festival and tourist organisations, publishing, PR, sport and entertainment.  

Pre-approved for a Masters

If you study a Bachelor Honours degrees with us, you will be pre-approved to start a Masters degree at Winchester. To be eligible, you will need to apply by the end of March in the final year of your degree and meet the entry requirements of your chosen Masters degree.

Student with careers staff member
"When you become a Winchester student, you take on board this family as part of the events management programme." David - Events Management Student

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