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Our News

Press Release
Student success celebrated and prominent public figures honoured at University of Winchester Graduation 2018
The University of Winchester is celebrating student success and the careers and achievements of prominent public figures - including a former Archbishop of Canterbury and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize - during Graduation this year (16-19 October). Read more
“As an investigative journalist, keep knocking on doors until you get to the truth.” 5 Minutes with Louise Shorter
During Graduation this year, we were delighted to present an Honorary Fellowship to Louise Shorter, CEO of criminal justice charity Inside Justice, for her services to rights campaigning. We spoke to her about her work, Making a Murderer and the importance of public engagement in wrongful conviction cases. Read more
Pascal's Wager, the lure of prosperity and losing my religion
Professor Adrian Kendry, Visiting Professor of Economics and Security at the University of Winchester and Former NATO Senior Defence Economist and Adviser to the 12th Secretary General, discusses the intersection between conflict, religion and economics and the impact this has on society and equality. Read more
"Success is measured by how much you put into it and your failures will be when you don't make the effort." Five minutes with Jim Baker
Jim Baker is a black workingclass Londoner and the grandson of a Barbadian merchant seaman who arrived in Wales in 1910. A historian, commentator, activist and organiser, Jim's values and commitment to people, communities and change comes from a belief in family and welfare socialism. As an activist, he has been directly involved in challenging ra Read more
October 2018 at the University of Winchester
In a busy month at Winchester, we welcomed Education Secretary Damian Hinds to see our pioneering work improving access to higher education, saw veteran broadcaster Alastair Stewart open our newsroom and marked a key milestone in the construction of our new learning and teaching building at our West Downs Quarter. Read more
Press Release
University leads WWI centenary commemoration in historic West Hill Cemetery
The War Memorial and Cross of Sacrifice in West Hill Cemetery, Winchester, are the focus of an Act of Remembrance to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War on Saturday 10 November at 10.30am. Local people are warmly invited to attend. Read more
Press Release
Winchester archaeologists join Suggs on the hunt for buried World War treasures in new TV series
Dr Phil Marter, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, has been working with Madness frontman Suggs to bring forgotten war stories back to life on the new series of the HISTORY® hit TV show: WW2 Treasure Hunters. Read more
Press Release
Live music should be essential in all UK care homes, new research study recommends
A major new national report is recommending that live music should be essential in all UK care homes. Led by the University of Winchester and Live Music Now, the report presents ground-breaking evidence about how music can benefit people living and working in care, and provides practical guidance about how music can be introduced affordably and sus Read more
Press Release
Walk telling the story of creation opens at University of Winchester
The University of Winchester has opened a new garden walk to take visitors on a visual and meditative journey from the moment of creation to the modern day. The Cosmic Walk blends research, nature and artwork to explore the cosmos and discuss how humans are embedded within it. Read more
The In/visibility of Race and Religion
How do race and religion impact life chances? Maisha Islam, of the Centre for Student Engagement, explores issues around race and religion in a series of posts for the University. In this first post, she argues that the subtle ways in which society reacts to individuals' difference(s) are the most problematic Read more
Press Release
Winchester students quiz Ambassador about peace process in Afghanistan
Students studying Politics and Global Studies and Journalism courses at the University of Winchester had an opportunity to quiz the Ambassador of Afghanistan to the UK about the peace process and elections in his country at a special roundtable discussion event this week. Read more
Press Release