4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Fashion Business and Marketing with Foundation Year

Do you dream of creating iconic campaigns for major brands that echo through time, of innovating new pathways into sustainable fashion, or of making your mark with your own independent fashion brand? Our future-focused course has digital skill development, analytics and problem solving embedded embedded and has your employability and industry links integrated into every module.

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Film Production with Foundation Year

If you aspire to see your name in the rolling credits of a hard-hitting Netflix documentary or BAFTA nominated feature film then this is a great place to start out. Our cutting-edge course embraces all the key areas of film production, from development to post production, and will help you determine whether you’re destined to be a director, editor, screenwriter or one of several other vital roles in the thriving film industry.

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

History with Foundation Year

History helps us to better understand the past and make sense of the world we live in. Our BA in History is an immensely varied and rich course that gives you an in-depth view of the world and the contours and forces at play between politics, culture, economics, the environment, gender and religion.

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4 years full-time; 5 years sandwichFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Marketing with Foundation Year

“Just Do it”, “Have a break, have a….”, “I’m lovin’ it”, “Because I’m worth it”, “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s…”. These powerful marketing campaigns are imprinted into today’s consumer psyche. So how do you make a product or service stand out in a global economy where consumers have more choice than ever?

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Media and Communication with Foundation Year

Whatever the platform, media is at the centre of our daily experience and the ways in which we communicate with each other. Our dynamic and focused Media and Communication programme equips you to analyse the media and think critically about its social and political impacts, while giving you the chance to develop practical solutions for work-relevant projects.

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Medieval History with Foundation Year

In Britain, we love our crumbling castles, noble cathedrals and bloody representations of the medieval age in popular culture. If you have a passion for history with a special interest in the Middle Ages, then this course is perfect for you.

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BA (Hons)

Philosophy with Foundation Year

Philosophy is arguably the oldest university subject and has the widest field, with philosophers asking fundamental and important questions about values, culture, science, religion and society. As such Philosophy sits at the heart of any university, engaging with and enriching other programmes. In fact, at Winchester, Philosophy has a special role pledged to pioneering values-driven education and asking big questions about human existence.

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4 years full-timeFoundation Year
BSc (Hons)

Psychology with Foundation Year

Are you curious about what drives behaviour? Are you fascinated by the human mind? A Psychology degree at Winchester will satisfy your interest as you discover the science behind how we think, feel and behave.

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4 years full-time; 6 years part-timeFoundation Year
LLB (Hons)

Law with Foundation Year

Winchester has been central to the English legal system for at least 1,000 years. Choose to study here and you will be following in a long, historic tradition. It was King Alfred who established English law-making and its ideology as a distinctive system which would have a major influence on the common law of later medieval England. Even today, The Domesday Book, a cornerstone legal document compiled in Winchester, is still valid as evidence of title to land.

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