Independent & Supplementary Prescribing
Apply via link belowCompletion of this multi-professional course will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to safely prescribe medicines within your scope of practice.
Course overview
It is recognised that nurses, midwives, AHPs and pharmacists have different pathways to registration, and develop different skills, experiences, and competencies in practice before undertaking a prescribing programme. This module enables each professional group to develop the profession-specific skills and knowledge required before legal annotation as an independent (and/or supplementary) prescriber by their regulatory body. For nurses and AHPs, this involves a greater focus on the principles of pharmacology and therapeutics, drug interactions, disease management and decision making. Whilst for pharmacists, there is a greater emphasis on consultation and clinical assessment skills. During the course you will develop your knowledge of therapeutics, medicines management and the legal / ethical and professional issues related to prescribing across the lifespan. During the course you will undertake supervised practice, completing a portfolio to demonstrate achievement of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s (2021) A competency framework for all prescribers.
On successful completion of the course, you will be eligible to apply to your professional regulator for annotation as an independent and / or supplementary prescriber.
What you need to know
Course start date
January, September
University of Winchester Campus
Course length
6 months
Apply via link below
Typical offer
Health Professionals
Course features
- Accredited by the NMC, HCPC and GPhC.
- Available as a standalone professional development module or as part of an MSc pathway.
Course details
Module dates
Please see course dates for 2025/2026 here: AP7002 Module dates 2025_2026.
University of Winchester campus.
Learning and teaching
The Independent & Supplementary Prescribing course consists of 10 face-to-face taught days, 16 self-directed days, a separate exam day and completion of a minimum of 90 hours (12 days) supervised practice supported by a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) to ensure you apply knowledge to your own clinical setting and achieve the required competencies. Due to the nature of this course 100% attendance is expected for the taught elements.
A variety of learning and teaching methods are utilised in this course, supported by a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) CANVAS. These include lectures, case studies, small group work, tutor-led tutorials and seminars, and guided independent study.
Overall, you can expect to devote a minimum of 300 hours study to this course. Support will be given to enable you to engage in a process of self-analysis and evaluation to identify areas in which you are already competent, and those which require further learning and development. At the start of the course, you will develop a personal learning contract, which will be used (in conjunction with your DPP*), to plan your learning and enable each of the module learning outcomes and practice competencies to be met
*To comply with the NMC (2018) Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment, Nurses & Midwives undertaking the course must have a separate Practice Assessor (DPP) and a Practice Supervisor (DPS) throughout the period of supervised practice.
How to Apply
- Applicants are advised to consult their local non-medical prescribing policy and discuss their application with the local non-medical prescribing lead / Line manager (or equivalent prescribing governance lead) prior to applying.
- Self-employed applicants should contact the programme leader to discuss their application.
- To apply for a course, you must complete a university online application AND relevant Independent Prescribing Application Form.
- Please do not complete the university application form until you have completed the Independent Prescribing Application Form and can upload this, with additional information, into your online application.
- Failure to provide all required information at time of application will delay your application and may result in you losing your place on your preferred course.
Ready to apply
- Complete the University online application form and upload your completed Independent Prescribing Additional Application Form and supporting documents.
- Please ensure you download and complete the profession specific Independent Prescribing Application form: Nurses, Midwives and AHPs - University Independent Prescribing Application Form, and Pharmacists - University of Winchester Pharmacist Independent Prescribing Application Form.
- Complete applications will be reviewed by the module lead and applicants informed by email if further information is required.
- Completed applications must be received no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the course.
Interview requirements
Self-employed applicants are required to contact the admissions team/programme leader for advice prior to application and an interview with the programme leader may be required to ensure eligibility to undertake the module.
For general enquiries please contact the department administrator at
Entry requirements
This module is only available to eligible UK based healthcare professionals registered with the NMC, HCPC or GPhC / PSNI.
- A minimum of a lower second-class honours degree (2:2) or equivalent qualifications and experience.
- Be working in an area that will enable the student to achieve the required practice competencies, and where there is an identified need for the applicant to regularly use independent prescribing.
- Have employer / organisational support and have identified a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP), who meets the criteria as specified in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2019) Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners.
- Have a current enhanced DBS.
The following additional profession specific entry criteria also apply:
NMC Registrants:
- Registered nurse (Level 1), Midwife or Specialist Community Public Health Nurse.
- A minimum of 1-year post-registration experience and be working in the role in which they will prescribe for a minimum of 1-year.
- In addition to an identified DPP (Practice Assessor), a separate Practice Supervisor must be identified. If for any reason this is not possible, please contact the programme leader to discuss.
- Confirmation by employer that applicant is proficient in clinical assessment, diagnostics & care management, planning & evaluation of care.
HCPC Registrants (excluding paramedics):
- Registered physiotherapist, therapeutic radiographer, or chiropodist/podiatrist.
- Diagnostic Radiographers and Dieticians may only apply for supplementary prescribing.
- A minimum of three years relevant post-qualification experience in the clinical area in which they will be prescribing.
HCPC Paramedic Registrants:
- To have been qualified for 5 years and have completed (or be working towards) an advanced practice qualification at level 7 (MSc) as defined by Health Education England (HEE).
- GPhC / PSNI Pharmacist Registrants:
- To have at least 1 year of appropriate patient-orientated experience post registration in a relevant UK practice setting.
- To be of good standing with the GPhC or PSNI.
No International Entry for this course.
This course is only available to UK base healthcare professionals.
Additional costs
For information about staff and student discounts please contact the short course administrator