Advanced Clinical Practice (Primary Care & Community)

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Are you a busy healthcare professional looking to extend your knowledge to an advanced level within your specialist field of practice? You can achieve that on this dynamic, multi-professional course, where you will study a contemporary advanced clinical practice programme with a specific focus on working in Primary Care and in the Community, or allied settings. 

Two people holding hands

Course overview

As our complex health systems change, we need a workforce who can meet the demands of our population and deliver care in new and innovative ways. This pathway is designed for pioneers who are delivering care closer to home.

Your learning on this dynamic, multi-professional course,  will study a contemporary advanced clinical practice programme with a specific focus on working in Primary Care and in the Community,  or Intermediate care setting.

You will be part of a multi-professional group with the opportunity to explore a variety of  pathways through the programme as well as flexible study options that are designed to fit in around you and your work commitments.

Studying at Master’s level, you will be informed by the latest developments in clinical practice. The modules are mapped to the HEE Multi-Professional Framework, the FCP Roadmap and HEE’s Credential Specifications, the programme is seeking accreditation from the Centre for Advancing Practice.

The core modules are designed to link with your clinical practice setting where you will complete supervised clinical components in support of your learning. As well as the core Advanced Practice Curriculum, which includes pathophysiology, considerations of mental health and public health are embedded. The programme will embrace themes of leadership, sustainability, and evidence-based practice. The key components of Advanced Practice – leadership, education, clinical practice, and research – will be integrated into your learning, enabling you to demonstrate competence in these components of practice.

What you need to know

Course start date



On campus, Winchester

Course length

  • 3 years part-time


Apply online

Typical offer

A first or second-class honours degree


From £9,775 pa

Course features

  • This innovative course is designed specifically for experienced clinicians in Community and Primary care settings

  •  We will build on your existing clinical skills and experience to develop your capability as you develop as an   advanced practitioner.

  •  We focus on the rich experience of learning within a multiprofessional team, while embedding your learning within your own workplace, and preparing for new models of working.

  • Our contemporary programme embraces themes of leadership, sustainability, and evidence-based clinical practice.

  •  Undertake a highly flexible learning experience using blended teaching and a guided discovery approach.

Course details

Suitable for Applicants: Based in UK employment. You must also meet the requirements for registration with an appropriate UK statutory health or care regulator.

Core Modules:

Core modules are: Advanced Practice (Including pathophysiology) Practice Portfolios (parts 1 & 2) and Research Methods and Research Paper, and the Capstone Project where you will complete a quality improvement project. In addition, you will have a choice of options that will be successfully completed in order to complete the ACP MSc.

Optional Modules:

Optional modules include Independent and Supplementary Prescribing, Mental Health in Non-Mental Health Settings, Community Rehabilitation – Healthy Aging, Community Rehabilitation – Long Term Conditions, Musculoskeletal Practice in Primary Care and Managing Mental Health in Non-Mental Health settings, Leadership for Advanced Clinical Practice, Pharmacology for Medicines Management for Clinical Practice, Assessment of Minor Illness and Minor Injuries for Advanced Clinical Practice ,  Managing End of Life Care in Advanced Clinical Practice.  Winchester provide history taking and examination as a standalone module which some learners may chose as a prerequisite to starting the full MSc.

Research will be embedded throughout the programme, and you will write a research-based paper that you will present in your final year alongside completion of a Capstone Project.

Learning and Teaching:

The learning and teaching approach will adopt a variety of methods of blended delivery, utilising a guided discovery approach. Case studies and your own experiences will be used to inform and challenge your learning which will be integrated into practice throughout.

Teaching will include keynote lectures, small group work, practical sessions, project supervision, tutor-led tutorials and seminars, clinical practice learning, and guided independent study.

There will be a strong emphasis on student wellbeing and support, underpinned by the values of the University, for developing graduates who are adaptable, flexible and ‘tuned’ to the future needs of health care.

You will normally be required to be employed in an appropriate UK clinical setting during the period of study as there is a requirement for work-based learning and supervised clinical practice to be successfully completed as part of the programme which contributes to the awards.


Our validated courses may adopt a range of means of assessing your learning. An indicative, and not necessarily comprehensive, list of assessment types you might encounter includes essays, portfolios, supervised independent work, presentations, written exams, or practical performances.

We ensure all students have an equal opportunity to achieve module learning outcomes. As such, where appropriate and necessary, students with recognised disabilities may have alternative assignments set that continue to test how successfully they have met the module's learning outcomes. 


We are committed to providing timely and appropriate feedback to you on your academic progress and achievement in order to enable you to reflect on your progress and plan your academic and skills development effectively. You are also encouraged to seek additional feedback from your course tutors.


Please note the modules listed are correct at the time of publishing. The University cannot guarantee the availability of all modules listed and modules may be subject to change. The University will notify applicants of any changes made to the core modules listed. For further information please refer to


Advanced Practice 20 Credits

This core module in the MSc ACP, PGCert and PGDip enables a critical analysis and understanding of the processes, theories, decision making, and skills that underpins advanced clinical assessment.

This module includes epidemiology, public health, mental health, pathophysiology, anatomy, and physiology of disorders typically seen within practice (normally Primary Care and/or Community). You will consider relevant legal, policy and professional responsibilities and frameworks.

Successful completion of this multidisciplinary module will enable you to further develop knowledge and clinical skills required to systematically take a patient history, perform appropriate examinations, and interpret diagnostic data particularly where information may be limited or incomplete. These skills are foundations of ACP and the ability to manage individuals with undifferentiated and undiagnosed conditions.

This module is aimed at practising health and care professionals in roles requiring, or will require, advanced skills in history taking and assessment of patients and the underpinning knowledge and understanding.

Practice Portfolio 10 Credits

This clinical module takes place in the individuals normal clinical setting and builds on successful completion of Practice Portfolio 1 where the individual will manage their case load under conditions of supervised practice and in independent practice. 

Optional Modules Credits
  • Independent and Supplementary Prescribing - 30 Credits
  • Musculoskeletal Practice in Primary Care - 30 Credits
  • Community Rehabilitation – Health Ageing - 15 Credits
  • Community Rehabilitation – Long Term Conditions - 15 Credits
  • Managing Mental Health in Non-Mental Health Settings - 15 Credits
  • Pharmacology for Medicines Management for Clinical Practice - 15 Credits
  • Minor Illness and Minor Injuries for Advanced Clinical Practice - 15 Credits


Occupational Therapy in Contemporary Practice 10 Credits

This module will provide students with the opportunity to explore contemporary practice in occupational therapy with a particular focus on community and primary care. They will be able to identify an area of their own interest within non-traditional and emerging areas of practice and explore it in depth. Students will identify the skills they currently have to work in this area and will construct a learning plan of additional skills that they believe will equip them to work in this area. This module will adopt an international focus enabling students to consider the transferable nature of practice across different countries, cultures, and communities. Students will have the opportunity to present their ideas to those currently working in the field.

Practice Portfolio 2 10 Credits

This clinical module takes place in the individuals normal clinical setting and builds on successful completion of Practice Portfolio 1 where the individual will manage their case load under conditions of supervised practice and in independent practice.

Research 1 (research methods) 20 Credits

This module will build on research skills acquired during your bachelor’s degree and previous learning to enable you to carry out a piece of empirical research at Masters level. The module will review literature searching and critical appraisal skills as well as a regular journal club to develop critical appraisal skills for practice. You will analyse generated quantitative and qualitative data and develop your skills in protocol and journal writing. To prepare you for your Ethics Committee submission (where appropriate), research question and research study, you will also undertake research governance training.

Optional Modules Credits
  • Independent and Supplementary Prescribing - 30 Credits
  • Musculoskeletal Practice in Primary Care - 30 Credits
  • Community Rehabilitation – Health Ageing - 15 Credits
  • Community Rehabilitation – Long Term Conditions - 15 Credits
  • Managing Mental Health in Non-Mental Health Settings - 15 Credits
Capstone 10 Credits

During this module students will work with a site mentor during practice placement 3 to identify a quality improvement plan centred around either clinical practice, leadership, education or research. They will operationalise their plan and evaluate its impact. Examples of project may include ‘Creating a practice guideline to address sexuality with individuals who have spinal cord injury’, ‘Create and implement a professional development plan for newly qualified occupational therapists’, ‘Develop and implement an online continuing education programme for occupational therapy staff returning to practice’.

Critical Inquiry – Research Study 60 Credits

During this module students will work with a research supervisor to undertake research activity based on their research protocol completed during the Critical Inquiry module.



Research 2 (research paper) 40 Credits

During this module you will work with a research supervisor to undertake the research activity as described in your research protocol completed during the Research 1 – research methods module. 

Capstone Project 20 Credits

During this module you will work with a site mentor/supervisor during the final year of your ACP programme to identify a quality improvement plan focused on a combination and integration of clinical practice, leadership, education and research as defined in the Multi-Profession Framework. This project brings together elements of your previous learning from the programme and your own personal learning journey. You will operationalise your plan and evaluate its impact. Examples of project may include ‘Creating practice guidelines to implement advanced practice supervision’, ‘Create and implement a professional development plan for newly qualified advanced practitioners, ‘Develop and implement an online continuing education programme for advanced practice staff transitioning into Primary Care and/or Community practice’

Entry requirements

A first or second-class honours degree

Relevant first degree/qualification with an award at first or upper second-class Honours level, normally awarded in the past six years.

Or equivalent professional experience from a recognised Education Provider and current registration (or eligibility for registration) with a relevant UK regulator e.g., Nursing & Midwifery Council, Health and Care Professions Council, General Pharmaceutical Council.


Additional Entry Requirements

  • Evidence of educational and practice currency related to your current role
  • Evidence of at least three years of relevant, recent, and contemporary experience, normally in, or working towards, an advanced practice role.
  • Currently working in or towards, an advanced practice role with support from employer to attend programme and to complete supervised practice components of the programme.
  • Attendance at an interview
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance
  • Occupational Health clearance
International points required

If English is not your first language: IELTS 6.0 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in writing or equivalent.

Applications need to be submitted before the deadline published on our website. Late applications can be accepted throughout the remainder of the application year, for more information see our How to Apply section. 

If you are living outside of the UK or Europe, you can find out more about how to join this course by contacting our International Recruitment Team via our International Apply Pages.

2024/2025 Course Tuition Fees 

  UK / Channel Islands /
Isle of Man / Republic of Ireland


Full-time £9,775 £18,300
Part-time £4,888 £9,150
Total £9,775 £18,300


Additional tuition fee information

If you are a UK student starting your degree in January / September 2024, the first year will cost you £9,775**.

If finance is a worry for you, we are here to help. Take a look at the range of support we have on offer. This is a great investment you are making in your future, so make sure you know what is on offer to support you.

**The University of Winchester will charge the maximum approved tuition fee per year.

Additional costs


UK/Channel Islands and Isle of Man

Full-time entry | £9,775
Part-time entry | £3,258 p/a (3 years)

Total Cost | £9,775

International Students

Full-time entry | £18,300
Part-time entry | £6,100 p/a (3 years)

Total Cost | £18,300

As one of our students all of your teaching and assessments are included in your tuition fees, including, lectures/guest lectures and tutorials, seminars, laboratory sessions and specialist teaching facilities. You will also have access to a wide range of student support and IT services.

There might be additional costs you may encounter whilst studying. The following highlights the mandatory and optional costs for this course:


Core Texts: Multiple copies of core text are held within the library and e-books are identified where possible, however due to the popularity of some books, there will not be enough availability for every student. It is advised that students look into purchasing second-hand copies. Indicative cost is £150. 

Recording Equipment: You may need to record and evaluate practice components. Indicative cost for ePortfolio subscription is £45 per annum.


We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course. To see if you’re eligible, please see our Scholarships and Awards.


Advanced Clinical Practitioners are in demand across all health and care settings particularly in Primary Care and the Community.

Student with careers staff member
“I love the flexibility of distance learning and how it allows me to connect with students from a broad range of backgrounds.” Leyla - MSc Graduate

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