Making the most of a virtual open day

5 Dec 2022
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We’re all getting used to doing nearly everything online these days: shopping, video chat with friends and family, virtual quiz nights and karaoke… the list is endless. It’s the same with uni open days. These have now gone online and whilst it’s not quite the same, they are just as good (in some ways better – see later) than the ‘real-life’ ones.

Let’s take a look...

You can still get a feel for the place

Before the event starts, you’ll get a warm welcome from us via email and you’ve already got the chance to explore what life is like at Winchester on our website. You’ll be able to look at courses, facilities, as well as get a sense of our community and what’s on offer.

It doesn’t matter about the weather for a virtual guided tour

A virtual tour is a great way to explore the campus at your leisure and you can take as much time as you want without getting in anyone’s way! It is definitely worth doing.

Dip in and out of course talks to suit you

Course talks are one of the best ways to find out more about the subjects that you may be considering. Our lecturers provide an overview of each course, what to expect and what careers and employment opportunities that your degree could lead to.

Being online, it’s so much easier to join more than one course talk, which is great if you’ve not yet made up your mind about what you’d like to do. There’s no need to dash from one building to another and, if you happen to join a talk when it’s already started, that’s never a problem. There is also a great Q&A session for each talk, so you’ll get answers to any of your queries right there and then.

Ask the questions that matter to you most

Whether you’re keen to know all about clubs and societies, accommodation choices, student finance, the local nightlife or where to get the best coffee in town, our fantastic team of current students and staff can give you all the information you need. Being able to ask your questions in live chat – either during the event or after – is a really easy way to find out the things that are most important to you.


To find out when our next Open Days are taking place visit our Open Days page. We look forward to welcoming you soon! 

If you have any questions about our Open Days, feel free to send the Open Days team an email.


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