Postgraduate financial information

Information on tuition fees and government funding for new and current postgraduate students at the University of Winchester. 

Tuition fees

Your tuition fees go towards funding the various resources associated with a postgraduate course at the University of Winchester, enabling us to provide the resources, staff contact and support you need and deserve. It means that you will benefit from more contact with staff, first-class teaching equipment and an attractive learning environment.

Tuition fees for postgraduate students will be determined in light of the following criteria:

If you can't find the information you are looking for, contact the University's Students and Money team on +44 (0)1962 827008 or via email.

Taught Masters courses

Please see our courses for individual programme fees.

Graduate courses

For further information, please contact



Full-time fees

In 2024/25 the full-time Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) tuition fee will be £9,250 for UK students.

Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland

In 2024/25 the full-time Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) tuition fee will be £9,250 for students from the Islands.

International and EU

In 2024/25 the full-time Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) tuition fee will be £16,700 for International and EU students.


Professional Doctorates

Part Time UK

  Pre-thesis Thesis  
  2023/24 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Total cost 
EdD £2,630 £2,630 £2,630 £2,630 £2,630 £2,630 £15,780
DBA £7,920 £7,920 £2,420 £2,420 £2,420 £2,420 £25,520

Full Time

  2023/24 Yr 2 Yr 3 Total cost 
EdD UK, Channel Islands £5,260 £5,260 £5,260 £15,780
EdD International £16,700 £16,700 £16,700 £50,100


Research Doctorates

MPhil and PhD programmes

Fees are chargeable for a maximum of 3 years for full-time and 6 years for part time. An ‘until completion’ fee of £120 per month is chargeable thereafter. The ‘until completion’ fee will be invoiced at the start of the writing up period on an annual basis until award and is payable in accordance with our standard payment terms and conditions.

  UK & CI International
MPhil/PhD - Full time max 3 years £4,780  £16,700 
MPhil/PhD - Part time max 6 years £2,390  £8,350
Preparation for Research £1,400  £1,400 

Please note that all fees quoted are for new students starting in the 2024/25 academic year and may be subject to an inflationary rise in subsequent years. 

Government funding

Postgraduate Masters loans

A Postgraduate Masters loan is available to eligible UK nationals (and individuals with settled status in the UK) for postgraduate Masters study.


  • Students must be ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for three years prior to the first day of the first academic year of their course
  • Students receiving the NHS Bursary for Social Work will not be eligible to receive the Postgraduate Loan as well
  • Students studying a PGCE are not eligible for the Postgraduate Loan. They are able to apply (subject to eligibility) for a Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance Loan through Student Finance

The details of the Postgraduate Loan will differ depending upon where you are normally resident in the UK:

Students normally resident in England (other than for purposes of education)

Eligible students are able to apply for a loan of up to £12,167 for postgraduate Masters study starting in 2023/24. Please see the Student Finance England website for further details, including eligibility criteria.

Students normally resident in Wales (other than for purposes of education)

Eligible students are able to apply for a mixture of loans and grants totalling £18,770 for postgraduate Masters study starting between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024. Please see the Student Finance Wales website for further details, including eligibility criteria.

Students resident in Northern Ireland* (other than for purposes of education)

Northern Ireland-domiciled students may apply for a Tuition Fee Loan only of up to £6,500 which will be paid directly to the Higher Education provider. Full details, including eligibility criteria, can be found on the Student Finance Northern Ireland website.

Students resident in Scotland (other than for purposes of education)

Scotland-domiciled students are able to apply for a Tuition Fee loan of up to £7,000, provided their chosen course is not available in Scotland. Full-time students are also able to apply for a Maintenance Loan of £4,500 for a one-year full-time course, or £2,250 per year for a two-year course. Full details, including eligibility criteria, can be found on the Student Awards Agency Scotland website.

PGCE tuition fee and maintenance loans

Full-time PGCE students are able to apply for Tuition Fee and Living Cost support through Student Finance in the same way as undergraduate students. Part-time students are able to apply for a Tuition Fee loan and a pro-ratad amount of Living Cost support according to course intensity.

PGCE students are not eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Loan.

Students following a salaried School Direct programme will not be eligible to apply to Student Finance as their course costs are normally covered by the school where they are training. They may still be eligible for a PGCE bursary.

Government PGCE Bursaries

The government provides financial support for students on both full-time and part-time/flexi PGCE courses dependent upon the subject which the student is training to teach. Bursaries are not available for the General Primary Education programme.

For more information visit the Get into Teaching website.

Channel Islands and Isle of Man

Please be aware that students from the Islands are not eligible for student loans from the UK government, or bursaries, fee waivers, or scholarships from the University. These students should apply to the Islands for financial support.

Postgraduate Doctoral Loans

Loans of up to £28,673 are available through Student Finance to help with the cost of fees and living expenses for students starting in 2023/24.

To apply for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan students must:

  • Be a UK national or Irish citizen or EU national with settled status in the UK
  • Normally live in England or Wales
  • Have been living in the UK for at least three years before the first day of the first academic year of their course
  • Aged under 60 on the first day of the first academic year of their course.
  • Not be in receipt of a Research Council studentship

Course eligibility

The course must be in the UK and be a full postgraduate Doctoral course leading to a qualification such as:

  • Subject specialist doctorates: a formal programme of study such as a PhD
  • Integrated subject specialist doctorates: a supervised research project undertaken alongside a more structured taught course. Students must register for the doctoral degree at the outset to be eligible for the Postgraduate Doctoral Loan.
  • Professional and practice-based doctorates.

The course can be studied at a University or by distance learning (as long as you remain resident in UK for the whole of the course) and can be full-time up to three years or part-time up to eight years.

The details of the Postgraduate Doctoral Loan will differ depending upon where you are normally resident in the UK:

Students normally resident in England (other than for purposes of education)

Please see the Student Finance England website for further details, including eligibility criteria.

Students normally resident in Wales (other than for purposes of education)

Please see the Student Finance Wales website for further details, including eligibility criteria.

Postgraduate Doctoral loans are not currently available to students normally resident in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

NHS funding

NHS Social Work Bursary (subject to availability of bursary places)

The NHS Social Work bursary (which is not repayable) will pay £4,052 towards fees each year and at least £3,362.50 to help with living costs, so total funding over two years is at least £14,829. The maximum funding for living costs is £6,083 depending on household income. Additional funding may be available for students with an adult who is wholly or mainly financially dependent on them, a child dependent or who require help with Childcare costs. Check the NHS website: for updates and how to apply.

The University is allocated a number of bursary funded places on the MSc Social Work programme each year. The number of places changes each year and it is not possible to guarantee that students who are eligible for a bursary will receive a bursary place on the course.

Currently students who apply by the 15th January UCAS deadline and firmly accept their offer by the NHSBSA bursary capping deadline (usually early August) are nominated for available social work bursaries, with any additional bursaries allocated to those who apply after the deadline on a first come first served basis. If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the number of students who applied by the UCAS deadline, bursaries are allocated using first degree classification for MSc Social Work Students. If secondary criteria is required after ranking by degree classification, average grade of year 3 modules is used as secondary criteria for the MSc bursary allocation.
MSc Social Work Students will be notified prior to the course commencing if they have been nominated for a bursary (usually early in September). Students must have fully completed the registration and enrolment process by the 30 September at the latest, otherwise the bursary may be re-allocated to another student.

Students who are not allocated or do not take a full NHS Social Work bursary are able to receive the Placement Travel Allowance of £862.50 per year. Students who are not allocated a bursary may apply for the Postgraduate Masters loan from Student Finance.

NHS Learning Support Fund

Students following MSc pre-reg healthcare programmes such as MSc Occupational Therapy are able to apply for the NHS Learning Support Fund which allows eligible students to receive:

• A Training grant of £5,000 per academic year;
• Parental support of £2,000. If you have at least on dependent child under 15 years, or under 17 years if registered with Special Educational Needs;
• Money back for excess travel and temporary accommodation costs while you are on a practice placement;

Further details are available on the NHS BSA website: NHS Learning Support Fund | NHSBSA

Making a payment

How to pay

The University will accept the following forms of payment:

  • most major credit or debit cards (NOT American Express) via our online payment portal
  • instalments by Recurring Card Payment (RCP), to pay in instalments, please register your card on our online payment portal by 30 September 2024

Please see Payment of University Fees - Regulations 2024 and the terms and conditions.

Payment dates

For postgraduate students (including Research) commencing studies in Semester 1:

  • In full at (re)enrolment
  • In two equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on 15 January 2025 and 30 April 2025
  • In five equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on the 1st of each month - 1 December 2024 to 1 April 2025 inclusive

For postgraduate students (including Research) commencing studies in Semester 2:

  • In full at (re)enrolment
  • In two equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on 30 April 2025 and 1 October 2025
  • In five equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on the 1st of each month - 1 April 2025 to 1 August 2025 inclusive

For research students commencing studies in April:

  • In full at (re)enrolment
  • In two equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on 1 May 2025 and 1 November 2025
  • In five equal instalments by RCP. Payments will be taken on the 1st of each month - 1 June 2025 to 1 October 2025 inclusive

Visit our payment portal..


Students don’t start paying back Postgraduate Masters loans until the April after they have graduated or left their course and are earning over £21,000.

Postgraduate Doctoral loans become repayable from 6th April following the 4th anniversary of the course start date where courses last longer than four years and when students are earning over £21,000.

The amount to be repaid each month is based on income, not the amount borrowed.

Repayments amount to 6% of income over £21,000 a year. For example, if earnings are £30,000, the repayment would be 6% of £9,000 which equated to £45 a month.

If you already have an Undergraduate loan you’ll continue making repayments to this as well as your Postgraduate Loan.

Please visit the Student Loan Repayment website for further information.

Employers will automatically deduct payments from gross salary, alongside tax and National Insurance. In the case of self-employment, deductions will be made through self-assessment.

Those who move abroad will need to contact the Student Loan Company to make repayment arrangements.

Terms and Conditions

Your contract with the University of Winchester for your chosen course of study is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Student Regulations.  The terms and conditions are for entry to the University from January 2016 onwards. They apply to all students from the date they accept an offer at the University of Winchester.

For more information, see our terms and conditions page.