Page School of Humanities Explore the University of Winchester School of Humanities, a broad group of cognate subject areas with a shared passion for examining the human journey and experience through time. Leadership and governance Our faculties Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Course International Business Management MSc MSc International Business Management at Winchester is a pre-experience course designed to offer a broad management education. Find out more.
Course BSc (Hons) Immersive Technologies BSc (Hons) Dive into diverse immersive and developmental technology, mastering design and programming languages with pivotal production techniques within the dynamic games and tech industry.
Course Criminology with Law BA (Hons) Law, Criminology, winchester, degree, undergraduate, course, BA, university
Course Digital Media Design BA (Hons) Digital Media Design at Winchester is a practical programme of study that allows students to develop into imaginative designers. Learn more.
Course Law with Criminology BA (Hons) Our Law and Criminology programme explores the legal framework of our modern society, whilst being underpinned by criminological theories and issues.
Page Students seeking asylum Our Sanctuary Award supports up to two students per year seeking sanctuary in the UK to study in higher education at Winchester. Learn more. Home Student Life Scholarships, bursaries and awards
Page Institute of Education Find out more about the Institute of Education at the University of Winchester. Leadership and governance Our faculties Faculty of Education and the Arts