Course Creative Writing BA (Hons) Become the best writer you can be. Study a wide range of modules and learn the art of writing on our practice-based course taught by widely published academics.
Course Criminology with Sociology BA (Hons) Criminology with Sociology at Winchester explores and analyses social structures and human relationships. Learn more about our course.
Course Global Health MSc Our Global Health course at Winchester draws on a range of academic fields of study to understand the practice, policy and principles of global health. Find out more.
Course Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology at Winchester considers many aspects of human experience and behaviour, including crime and criminal activity. Read more.
Course Ancient, Classical and Medieval Studies BA (Hons) Ancient, Classical and Medieval Studies undergraduate degree at Winchester focuses on the history and archaeology of Britain, Europe and Atlantic.
Course Public Health MSc The field of public health is expanding globally, in the context of increased migration, conflict, natural disasters and pandemics. Find out more.
Course BSc (Hons) Social Work BSc (Hons) Social Work at Winchester aims to ensure that its graduates understand the impact of the wider social context. Learn more about our courses.
Course Sport Coaching and Physical Education BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching and Physical Education at Winchester allows students to critically engage at an academic level with one of the fastest growing sports disciplines.
Course Sports Therapy BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy at Winchester enables students to empower athletes and sports people of all abilities. Discover more about our Sports Therapy course.
University-of-Winchester-Access-and-Participation-Plan--2020-2025-(Approved-Variation-June-2023).pdf 1. Access and participation plan. [2020-21 to 2024-25]. 1. Assessment of performance. In the evaluation and monitoring of our access and participation activity we have introduced a Red Amber Green (RAG) flagging system, in the first instance