Centre of Research for Educational Action and Theory Exchange
Uniting the broad range of research interests across Education and beyond

CREATE is a Research and Knowledge Exchange centre in the Faculty of Education and the Arts. It brings together the broad range of expertise and research interests in educational theory, action research and practice that exists within and beyond the Faculty, for the advancement of excellent research with real-world impacts.
Clusters and Areas of Expertise
- Refugee Education, led by Prof. Wayne Veck and Dr Julie Wharton
- Climate Change Action and Education, led by Dr Simon Boxley
- Early Years Education, led by Dr Amanda Norman
- Holocaust Education, led by Dr Alasdair Richardson
- History of Women's Education, led by Dr Eleanor Simpson and Dr Catherine Holloway
- Philosophy of Education, led by Dr Adrian Skillbeck
CREATE works closely with Winchester experts in related subject areas, as well as external experts. For example, we work closely with the children’s mental health charity Stormbreak. In Holocaust Education, we work with our partner the Holocaust Educational Trust, and we team up with our modern historians specialising in the Holocaust. Refugee Education is an important strand in the work of the University of Sanctuary Network, which works closely with Winchester City of Sanctuary, and regional Universities and Schools of Sanctuary. In Climate Education, we work with local and regional schools, and partners such as Gilbert White's House and Gardens and Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC). We are a member institution of the UK Universities Climate Network.
Forthcoming events
CREATE organises collaboration sessions, undergraduate and postgraduate conferences, talks, seminars and public lectures, book launches, exhibitions and workshops, on topics as wide-ranging as film as education, creative pedagogies, privacy and education, AI and education, Holocaust education, refugee education, and sustainability in education.
Early Years Cluster: Find out what's planned for 2025
Refugee Education Cluster: this cluster engages actively with national initiatives such as the annual World Refugee Week. Find out what we have done and what's planned for 2025.
Recent Events
6 Feb 2025: Children's Mental Health Week 2025 event
An event to celebrate our ongoing collaborative work across the region with Children’s Mental Health. We welcomed speakers from the Universities of Winchester, Bournemouth and Gloucester and a local primary school teacher, as well as from our partner the children’s mental health charity Stormbreak.Read the full story
Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
Like every year, we marked the annual Holocaust Memorial Day in January with a wide range of activities with our students, our colleagues in Modern History, regional schools and colleges and our external partners. Find out more.
On 16 May 2024, the Clusters for Philosophy of Education and History of Women's Education, sponsored by the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, welcomed Andrew Cooper, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, who presented a talk on Education and German Enlightenment. He focussed on Amalia Holst, a school teacher from Hamburg who, at the turn of the 18th century, wrote an early defence of women's education that failed to gain traction in Germany at the time.
Contact CREATE
If you would like to find out more about CREATE, attend our events or collaborate with us, contact the Convener, Prof. Wayne Veck, or any of the strand leads.
For enquiries about business services such as CPD or consultancy, please contact Dr Rhiannon Love.