BSc (Hons)

Sport Coaching


Sports coaches used to pick up their skills simply by playing, then passing on their experience. But that’s no longer enough in a world where coaches in tennis, football and cricket have public profiles as high as the players themselves. That’s why on our Sports Coaching course you learn a more ‘professional’ approach by reflecting in an academic way on your practical experiences of coaching practice. 

Baseball players hugging on a baseball field

Course overview

Sports coaches used to pick up their skills simply by playing, then passing on their experience. But that’s no longer enough in a world where coaches in tennis, football and cricket have public profiles as high as the players themselves. We now expect coaches to have studied and mastered the art and science of coaching. That’s why on our Sports Coaching course you learn a more ‘professional’ approach by reflecting in an academic way on your practical experiences of coaching practice. 

From the minute you leave our three-year programme’s ‘starting blocks’ you won’t be short of inspiration. Our lecturers are great motivators of students and the facilities available to you are industry-standard, including our own stadium complete with an eight-lane athletics track, an on-campus sports hall and laboratories kitted out with the latest high-tech analysis equipment. You also benefit from the professional input of a range of interesting motivational speakers. In the past, these have included coaches from the Welsh national football team, a member of Chelsea FC, and rugby union players from Saracens. 

Central to the Sport Coaching course at Winchester is the belief that theory and knowledge are best learned through practice. Four strands cover both the practical and academic elements. 

The first strand is Sports Coaching Practice, which teaches you to put theoretical coaching principles into practice to help sports people strive to improve performance. Part of being a successful coach is having good communication skills and we study the best ways to convey your message. In this practical first strand, you may also explore coaching consultancy work in the local sporting community to enhance your employment prospects. 

The Supporting Coaching Practice strand helps you to understand both scientific and sociological coaching principles. You focus on how inequality affects both coaching and sports participation and how sport is used to develop local communities. You take a deeper look at training methodology and the use of technology, such as video match analysis. You also focus on educational theory and how it can help structure coaching classes. Finally, you explore coaching special populations, with the primary focus on disability sport. 

The Sports Coaching Science strand applies sports science to sports coaching. Covering aspects of biomechanics, physiology and psychology provides you with a science toolkit for coaching. 

Finally, in the Research Methods strand you develop the academic ability to apply both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to various sporting and exercise contexts. The acquisition of such skills underpins your learning in all strands and is essential for completing the dissertation in an area of special interest. 

Our degree equips you with the coaching expertise to join a growing industry where standards have risen dramatically in recent years. Our graduates usually enter careers as professional sports coaches, sports development officers, performance managers, community development leaders and PE teachers. But you ‘cross the finishing line’ with a wide range of transferable communication, analysis and research skills that are also valued in a range of careers not directly related to sport and fitness. 

What you need to know

Course start date



Winchester campus

Course length

  • 3 years full-time
  • 6 years part-time



Typical offer

104-120 points


From £9,250 pa

Course features

  • Make the most of excellent sports facilities, including a sport and exercise psychology laboratory and technologies for sports analysis 
  • Enrich your university experience with a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, from traditional Sports Coach UK workshops to cutting-edge performance and professional courses that include the highly sort after Certificate in Coaching Multi-Skills Development in Sport qualification 
  • Receive first aid and safeguarding training, as well as Disclosure and Barring Service clearance prior to your placement, as part of the course 
  • Learn to reflect in an analytical way on your practical experience of coaching 
  • Undertake a community coaching placement in a sports club, leisure centre, or school in Year 2 
  • Be the difference – develop our future athletes 

Course details

Our aim is to shape 'confident learners' by enabling you to develop the skills needed to excel in your studies here and as well as onto further studies or the employment market.  

You are taught primarily through a combination of lectures and seminars, allowing opportunities to discuss and develop your understanding of topics covered in lectures in smaller groups. 

In addition to the formally scheduled contact time such as lectures and seminars etc., you are encouraged to access academic support from staff within the course team and the wide range of services available to you within the University. 

Independent learning 

Over the duration of your course, you will be expected to develop independent and critical learning, progressively building confidence and expertise through independent and collaborative research, problem-solving and analysis with the support of staff. You take responsibility for your own learning and are encouraged to make use of the wide range of available learning resources available  

Overall workload 

Your overall workload consists of class contact hours, independent learning and assessment activity. 

While your actual contact hours may depend on the optional modules you select, the following information gives an indication of how much time you will need to allocate to different activities at each level of the course. 

Year 1 (Level 4): Timetabled teaching and learning activity* 

Teaching, learning and assessment: 288 hours 
Independent learning: 912 hours 

Year 2 (Level 5): Timetabled teaching and learning activity* 

Teaching, learning and assessment: 276 hours 
Independent learning: 888 hours 
Placement: 36 hours 

Year 3 (Level 6): Timetabled teaching and learning activity* 

Teaching, learning and assessment: 252 hours 
Independent learning: 912 hours 
Placement: 36 hours 

*Please note these are indicative hours for the course.  


Taught elements of the course take place on campus in Winchester. 


Our validated courses may adopt a range of means of assessing your learning. An indicative, and not necessarily comprehensive, list of assessment types you might encounter includes essays, portfolios, supervised independent work, presentations, written exams, or practical performances. 

We ensure all students have an equal opportunity to achieve module learning outcomes. As such, where appropriate and necessary, students with recognised disabilities may have alternative assignments set that continue to test how successfully they have met the module's learning outcomes. Further details on assessment types used on the course you are interested in can be found on the course page, by attending an Open Day or Open Evening, or contacting our teaching staff. 

Percentage of the course assessed by coursework 

Year 1 (Level 4)*: 

62% coursework 
13% written exams 
25% practical exams 

Year 2 (Level 5)*: 

58% coursework 
5% written exams 
37% practical exams 

Year 3 (Level 6)*: 

94% coursework 
0% written exams 
6% practical exams 

*Please note these are indicative percentages and modes for the programme. 


We are committed to providing timely and appropriate feedback to you on your academic progress and achievement in order to enable you to reflect on your progress and plan your academic and skills development effectively. You are also encouraged to seek additional feedback from your course tutors. 

Further information 

For more information about our regulations for this course, please see our Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures. 


Please note the modules listed are correct at the time of publishing. The University cannot guarantee the availability of all modules listed and modules may be subject to change. The University will notify applicants of any changes made to the core modules listed. For further information please refer to


Sport Matters

This module offers an introduction to the study of sport from a socio-cultural perspective. Specifically, this module will engage students in contemporary discussions about what matters in sport, culture, and life.This module will help students to understand difficult concepts and explore some of the fundamental questions and challenges in sport today. Using examples from across the globe, students will also be encouraged to reflect on their basic assumptions with regards to sport. At the same time, an emphasis will be placed on the development of transferable academic skills and critical thinking in particular.

Developing Graduate Employability Skills: Raising Self-Awareness

This module will seek to raise student awareness about the importance of developing graduate employability skills alongside their academic studies. Working with personal tutors, students will consider the various graduate careers they might pursue, the skills needed to undertake such roles, as well as reflecting on the skills they currently possess and how they might ‘bridge’ any gaps. Although there will be a focus on the sport, exercise, and health industries, students will also be encouraged to consider the transferable nature of graduate employability skills to other professions (e.g., teaching).

Sport Coaching 1

This module is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles that underpin coaching practice. As such, the module will highlight the importance of the fundamentals of learning and teaching; the key role of leadership in coaching; and the need to develop a philosophy of coaching. In the process, students will be provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of these key principles and their importance through reflecting on established coaching practices, and looking at key case studies of coaches and their work.

Sport Physiology for Coaches

This module will introduce students to the major scientific principles that underpin coaching practice and the importance of applying sport and exercise physiology in the coaching domain. Key scientific aspects of human and performance physiology will be explored including the biochemistry of exercise and physiological responses to training (adaptation). Students will also begin to discuss key readings related to some of the central concepts and thus develop their understanding.

Coaching Practice 1

This module provides an introduction to understanding coaching through recognition of the learning process using open and closed skills. The importance of appropriate developmental session design is a key element of coaching practice and this module seeks to ensure that students are aware of the considerations and approaches that are fundamental to effective learning.

Introduction to Research in Sport

This module will introduce the importance of sport research and how this contributes to the development of our knowledge about sport. The various different philosophies that underpin research will be introduced to demonstrate the different ways researchers can tackle research problems and design research projects to address emerging issues in sport. Students will also learn how to seek out, review and explore existing research by considering key concepts such as reliability, validity and ethics. The importance of analysing different types of data (for different audiences) will also be examined.

Sport Coaching 2

The module aims to expose students to a variety of influences that affect the coaching profession. It starts from the perspective that quality coaching is informed by a multitude of disciplines, as well as formal and informal learning sources, all of which inter-relate. As such – the coach’s skill must be in recognising the value of each of these disciplines to their everyday practice. The actual coaching process – which is a key concept in the academic understanding of the role of the coach – forms the ‘anchor’ that places the module in context, and from there students will be expected to explore a variety of information sources.

Skill Acquisition

This module will examine how sporting skills, and motor skills more generally, are developed. Features of learning environments that impact on the skill acquisition process will be explored. A particular feature of the module will be the consistent collection of data through laboratory activities that enable a ‘hands on’ understanding to be developed. This will assist in the development of understanding of the laboratory report process.

Coaching Practice 2

This module reflects the dynamic nature of the sports coaching field. It is designed around an awareness that - especially in performance sport - to stand still is to regress, and as such it seeks to explore the edges of the coaching profession. There are instances where coaching has been refreshed, where new ideas have been tried, new technologies have been tested and the profession has been expanded. It is designed to deliver contemporary National Governing Body award and continuing professional development courses that are essential in enhancing placement and employability opportunities.


Sport Research 1

This module will introduce the importance of qualitatively focused sport research and the philosophies that underpin such research. A variety of specific research methodologies appropriate for the interdisciplinary study of sport, exercise and health will be examined, including surveys, interviews, observation and media research. Alongside this suite of research tools, key concepts such as reliability, validity and ethics will be revisited and further developed.

Performance Analysis in Sport

This module will teach students how to use industry standard software to undertake performance analysis in sport. Students will apply taught skills to develop, measure and disseminate key performance indicators to enhance team/individual sport performance. Findings from performance analyses will be evaluated against contemporary research and commercial data to provide key stakeholders (i.e., coaches and players) with key tactical and technical suggestions for enhancing future performance. This module will also highlight the necessary technical (e.g., tagging, data analysis, presentation, data sharing, etc.) and critical thinking skills to undertake a performance analyst role within the sport industry.

Coaching Special Populations

This module will examine sport, exercise and physical activity as well as game-related and competitive domains such as the Special Olympics and Paralympics. Indeed, ‘special populations’ encompasses both populations with disability /disease and populations defined in terms of demographic descriptors such as age, ethnicity, sexuality and gender. This module takes an evidence-based approach to coaching individuals, groups and teams from such populations.

Sport Mechanics for Coaches

This module focuses on assessing the performance of individual athletes in coaching settings. It specifically looks to quantify the biomechanical aspects of performance and will develop within students the ability to undertake biomechanical measurements and present these in a way coaches and athletes can use effectively.

Coaching Practice 3

This module will facilitate students’ engagement with and reflection on coaching practice. Specifically, students will prepare for a coaching placement, and then deliver activities and reflect on their own experiences with a view to improving their (and ultimately others’) coaching practice.

Sport Research 2

This module will examine the importance of quantitatively focused sport research and the philosophies that underpin such research. Students will develop the ability to generate quantitative data via a variety of methods. This module will also develop the practical skills of computer-interactive data analysis. Students will learn about both descriptive and inferential statistics in the context of the entire scientific process.

Coaching Placement 1

This module will facilitate students’ engagement with and reflection on coaching practice. Specifically, students will undertake a coaching placement, during which they will deliver activities and reflect on their own experiences with a view to improve their (and ultimately others’) coaching practice.

Sport Psychology for Coaches

This module will take an evidence-based approach to the use of psychology by sports coaches, with a particular focus on helping coaches to understand theories of motivation (e.g., Self-Determination Theory) and how they might help their athletes to learn mental skills (e.g., relaxation) and life skills (e.g., assertiveness).



This module aims to provide students with the experiences of planning and executing an in-depth and independent research project that investigates a specific area within sport/exercise. Students will negotiate the focus of the project with tutorial guidance and will be expected to show an awareness of research methodology appropriate for an empirical research project. Emphasis will be placed on topics that are analytical, interdisciplinary and/or evaluative in nature. This is the opportunity for students to produce a research project in a particular area of interest that relates to the curriculum being studied.

Coaching Placement 2

This module aims to critically examine students’ experiences in new coaching environments. This seeks to widen their learning and skill development. Such experiences could include team or individual sports, age groups, clubs or schools, as well as male and female groups, for example. This will strengthen the employment prospects of students.

Critical Issues in Sport Coaching

This module will take a multi-, inter- and cross-disciplinary approach to identifying and dealing with critical, contemporary issues in sport coaching. There will be a heavy emphasis on coaching philosophy, evidence-based practice, and professionalism.

Optional Modules
  • Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 15 Credits
  • Outdoor Education - 15 Credits
  • Study Abroad - 15 Credits
  • Nutrition in Sport and Exercise - 15 Credits
  • Rehabilitation Biomechanics - 15 Credits
  • Eating Well: Food and Value in the 21st Century - 15 Credits
  • Advanced Sport Physiology for Coaches - 15 Credits
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaching - 15 Credits
  • Psychology of Injury - 15 Credits



This module aims to provide students with the experiences of planning and executing an in-depth and independent research project that investigates a specific area within sport/exercise. Students will negotiate the focus of the project with tutorial guidance and will be expected to show an awareness of research methodology appropriate for an empirical research project. Emphasis will be placed on topics that are analytical, interdisciplinary and/or evaluative in nature. This is the opportunity for students to produce a research project in a particular area of interest that relates to the curriculum being studied.

Coaching Placement 2

This module aims to critically examine students’ experiences in new coaching environments. This seeks to widen their learning and skill development. Such experiences could include team or individual sports, age groups, clubs or schools, as well as male and female groups, for example. This will strengthen the employment prospects of students.

Critical Issues in Sport Coaching

This module will take a multi-, inter- and cross-disciplinary approach to identifying and dealing with critical, contemporary issues in sport coaching. There will be a heavy emphasis on coaching philosophy, evidence-based practice, and professionalism.

Optional Modules
  • Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 15 Credits
  • Outdoor Education - 15 Credits
  • Study Abroad - 15 Credits
  • Nutrition in Sport and Exercise - 15 Credits
  • Rehabilitation Biomechanics - 15 Credits
  • Eating Well: Food and Value in the 21st Century - 15 Credits
  • Advanced Sport Physiology for Coaches - 15 Credits
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaching - 15 Credits
  • Psychology of Injury - 15 Credits

Entry requirements

104-120 points

Our offers are typically made using UCAS tariff points to allow you to include a range of level 3 qualifications and as a guide, the requirements for this course are equivalent to: 

  • A-Levels: BCC-BBB from 3 A Levels or equivalent grade combinations (e.g. BBB is comparable to ABC in terms of tariff points) 
  • BTEC/CTEC: DMM from BTEC or Cambridge Technical (CTEC) qualifications 
  • International Baccalaureate: To include a minimum of 2 Higher Level certificates at grade H4 
  • T Level: Merit in a T Level 

Additionally, we accept tariff points achieved for many other qualifications, such as the Access to Higher Education Diploma, Scottish Highers, UAL Diploma/Extended Diploma and WJEC Applied Certificate/Diploma, to name a few. We also accept tariff points from smaller level 3 qualifications, up to a maximum of 32, from qualifications like the Extended Project (EP/EPQ), music or dance qualifications. To find out more about UCAS tariff points, including what your qualifications are worth, please visit UCAS. 

In addition to level 3 study, the following GCSE’s are required: 

GCSEs in Mathematics and English Language at grade 4 or C, or higher. Functional Skills at level 2 is accepted as an alternative, however Key Skills qualifications are not. If you hold another qualification, please get in touch and we will advise further

If you will be over the age of 21 years of age at the beginning of your undergraduate study, you will be considered as a mature student. This means our offer may be different and any work or life experiences you have will be considered together with any qualifications you hold. UCAS have further information about studying as a mature student on their website which may be of interest. 

If English is not your first language, a formal English language test will most likely be required and you will need to achieve the following:

  • IELTS Academic at 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in all four components (for year 1 entry)
  • We also accept other English language qualifications, such as IELTS Indicator, Pearson PTE Academic, Cambridge C1 Advanced and TOEFL iBT

If you are living outside of the UK or Europe, you can find out more about how to join this course by contacting our International Recruitment Team via our International Apply Pages.

2024 Course Tuition Fees

  UK / Channel Islands /
Isle of Man / Republic of Ireland 


Year 1 £9,250 £16,700
Year 2 £9,250 £16,700
Year 3 £9,250 £16,700
Total £27,750 £50,100
Optional Sandwich Year* £1,850 £3,340
Total with Sandwich Year £29,600 £53,440

Additional tuition fee information

If you are a UK student starting your degree in September 2024, the first year will cost you £9,250**. Based on this fee level, the indicative fees for a three-year degree would be £27,750 for UK students.

Remember, you don’t have to pay any of this upfront if you are able to get a tuition fee loan from the UK Government to cover the full cost of your fees each year.

UK Part-Time fees are calculated on a pro rata basis of the full-time fee for a 120 credit course. The fee for a single credit is £77.08 and a 15 credit module is £1,156. Part-time students can take up to a maximum 90 credits per year, so the maximum fee in a given year will be the government permitted maximum fee of £6,935.

International part-time fees are calculated on a pro rata basis of the full-time fee for a 120 credit course. The fee for a single credit is £139.14 and a 15 credit module is £2,087.

* Please note that not all courses offer an optional sandwich year.

**The University of Winchester will charge the maximum approved tuition fee per year.

Additional costs

As one of our students all of your teaching and assessments are included in your tuition fees, including, lectures/guest lectures and tutorials, seminars, laboratory sessions and specialist teaching facilities. You will also have access to a wide range of student support and IT services. 

There might be additional costs you may encounter whilst studying. The following highlights the mandatory and optional costs for this course: 


Disclosure and Barring Service 

A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance check may be required if you undertake a placement, volunteering, research or other course related activity where you will have contact with children or vulnerable adults. The requirement for a DBS check will be confirmed by staff as part of the process to approve your placement, research or other activity. The indicative cost is £40. 



Students are expected to wear appropriate attire for practical sessions. Students can buy branded kit from us or wear their own. Students can buy as little or as much they like. Indicative cost is £15-£50 per item. 

Core Texts 

These are available from the University Library; however, some students prefer to purchase their own copies. Some Core Texts can be bought second hand, or as an eBook which can often reduce this cost. Indicative cost is £50-£200 per academic year. 

Professional Courses 

We deliver several professional courses (e.g., coaching courses, Combined Level 3 Gym Instructor and Personal Training, etc.) either as part of or alongside the taught curriculum. However, any course that is mandatory is delivered free of charge, with optional courses often heavily subsidised. Indicative cost is £10-£600 per course. 

Volunteering or Placement 

Students may incur travel costs on volunteering and/or placement modules. However, we will consider each individual students’ circumstances when undertaking these experiences and seek to minimise any such costs as appropriate. Indicative cost is £10-£30 per day for travel. 

Printing and Binding 

The University is pleased to offer our students a printing allowance of £5 each academic year. This will print around 125 A4 (black and white) pages. If students wish to print more, printer credit can be topped up by the student. The University and Student Union are champions of sustainability and we ask all our students to consider the environmental impact before printing. 


We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course. To see if you’re eligible, please see our Scholarships and Awards


Graduates enter sports related professions such as sports development officer, performance manager and community development leader, within private health clubs, coaching organisations and community coaching schemes. 

Students develop a wide range of transferable employability skills including the ability to communicate effectively and work both independently and collaboratively. These skills are valued in a range of graduate careers, including those not directly related to sport and fitness. Our degree provides students with excellent future employment opportunities, which is why we offer all students the chance to gain the Certificate in Coaching Multi-Skills Development in Sport qualification completely free. This is a key industry qualification and provides our students with a fantastic employment boost. Many students also continue on to study for postgraduate qualifications to further enhance their employability. New innovative master's level programmes are constantly reviewed to ensure that they are at the forefront of contemporary study. 

The University of Winchester ranks in the top 10 in the UK for graduates in employment or further study according to the Graduate Outcomes Survey 2021, HESA. 

Pre-approved for a Masters 

If you study a Bachelor Honours degrees with us, you will be pre-approved to start a Masters degree at Winchester. To be eligible, you will need to apply by the end of March in the final year of your degree and meet the entry requirements of your chosen Masters degree. 

Student with careers staff member
“Here at Winchester we believe in providing opportunities for every student to have hands-on practical experience and hence we ensure small class sizes for every lab.” Hazel Brown, Head of School of Sport, Health and Community

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