As a university committed to widening access and participation, we recognise the value and importance of high-quality careers information, advice and guidance on supporting young people to make informed decisions about their future educational opportunities. Unfortunately, due to a lack of age-appropriate inspirational careers advice and guidance, this means many of our young people are writing themselves off attending university before they have had the opportunity to make an informed decision.
We have designed the UWIN Aspire Booklets and Resource Pack for upper Key Stage 2, and Key Stage 3 & 4, for teaching and pastoral staff to support their learners navigate key transition points in their educational journey. The activities within the packs will assist teaching staff to support their learners explore the world of universities and careers through a series of fun and interactive pre-planned lessons.
UWIN Aspire Primary Booklet and Resource Pack
The UWIN Aspire Primary Booklet and Resource Pack is designed to be used as a series of four sessions but can equally be used as stand-alone lessons or individual activities within a school’s wider careers curriculum. Together, your Key Stage 2 learners can address some key questions that will help them inform their future aspirations including: Who can attend university? What gender stereotypes exist in the workplace? How different subjects can support future career pathways? and What are skills and how do these link to dream jobs?
UWIN Aspire Secondary Booklet and Resource Pack
From years of experience of delivering impartial careers-based outreach in our local secondary schools, we have designed the UWIN Aspire Secondary Booklet and Resource Pack for Key Stage 3 & 4 staff to support their learners navigate key transition points in their educational journey. We know that under the Gatsby Benchmarks secondary schools are provided with a framework to help ensure that their learners have access to a wide range of careers provision and that this is embedded across the curriculum. The resources in this pack are underpinned by growth mindsets and draw upon the importance of learners having a broad and informed understanding of the different routes and options available to them. Each session will guide staff on how to introduce key terms, facilitate discussions about educational pathways and challenge learners’ concepts of their future ‘possible selves’
Primary Outreach
Upper KS2 Resources
Session 1 - People Profile Descriptions PDF
Session 1 - People Profile Descriptions PowerPoint
Session 1 - Who goes to university - Jamal’s story presentation PDF
Session 1 - Who goes to university - Jamal’s story presentation PowerPoint
Session 2 - Men and Women at Work - 'Can you draw' worksheet PDF
Session 2 - Men and Women at Work PDF
Session 2 - Men and Women at Work PowerPoint
Session 3 - Subject and Jobs worksheet PDF
Session 3 - Subjects and Jobs PDF
Session 3 - Subjects and Jobs PowerPoint
Secondary Outreach
Year 7 - Successful Starts
Year 8&9 – Choices Series
Year 10&11 – Next Steps
Activity 1. A-Levels - Tips to help you decide PowerPoint
Activity 2. Your Degree - Choosing the right course PowerPoint
Activity 3. Degree Apprenticeships PowerPoint
Activity 4. Skills for Future Success PowerPoint
Activity 4a. Skills for Future Success worksheet PDF
Activity 4b. Skills for Future Success worksheet PDF
Activity 4c. Plan - Putting this into Practice PDF
Activity 4c. Monitor and Evaluate - Putting this into Practice PDF
Activity 4d. Marginal Gains Theory worksheet PDF