
University of Winchester Libraries
Martial Rose Library refurbishment project
The University is undertaking a full refurbishment of the Martial Rose Library (MRL). Once completed we will have a modern digitally enhanced space with more study spaces for all needs and some new specialist spaces.
We are now half-way through the project and it will be complete by September 2025. During this time, we have aimed to keep elements of the service open and available.
To help manage our spaces we will remain accessible to members of the Sconul Access scheme but will have to restrict access to other external members of our community for the duration of the project. As part of the University partnerships with our local NHS partners HHFT and Southern Health Trust are still welcome to visit and use our spaces for study.
Our Library service provides the resources to support learning, teaching and research throughout the University of Winchester. These resources cover all the subjects offered by the University, as well as many fields of general interest to serve students and staff of the University.
We are based on two sites: the Martial Rose Library (King Alfred Quarter) and the West Downs learning centre (West Downs Quarter). There are many different study opportunities; group study areas, quiet areas to study in, bookable PCs, and individual workstations where you can bring your own laptop.
Our West Downs Library is open 24/7 for the University community with access outside staffed hours via swipe access.
Printing, photocopying and scanning
Our printers are multifunctional machines that can photocopy and scan. Please ask for directions to them when in the building.
Students and staff
All students, academic staff and support staff are automatically members of the library and can use their University card to borrow our materials and use our services. The library has a range of services and facilities to support study, teaching and research:
OneSearch is the library’s discovery service via which you can search across not only the physical collections in our libraries but will also give our students and staff access to eBooks, eJournals and articles drawn from our vast array of online resources. To access the full range of resources University staff and students need to remember to login.
Online resources
In addition to those resources accessible via OneSearch, the library also has extensive access to online resources providing a range of text and media content. For each course area we have a number of subject specific resources and tools which will support students with their learning and development. These are detailed on the Subject Guide pages of the Library’s Intranet Site.
Borrowing from the library
All students, academic staff and support staff are able to borrow items from the library.
How do I get a library card?
All you need is your university I.D. card which will be issued to you when you enrol at the start of your course or at the beginning of your employment with us. It is also available as an e-card via the University app. You will need to have your university I.D. card or e-card with you if you wish to borrow any items from the library. If at any time your card is lost or stolen you will need to contact the IT Helpdesk to arrange for a new card to be issued to you.
How long can I borrow an item for?
Items in the library have different loan periods depending on how much demand there is for the item. The loan categories are 4-week loan, 7-day loan, 4-hour loan and reference. Please be aware that all items are subject to recall, but you will have longer loan items for at least a week.
Reference and 4 –hour loan items are for use in the library only.
How many items can I borrow?
Students and staff may borrow up to 50 items at a time, Entitled Visitors may borrow up to 5 standard loans.
How can I check my library account?
You can check your library account at any time online. Access OneSearch through the website, sign in and then select 'my account' from the drop down menu at the top of the page. This will take you to your account and will display what items you currently have on loan, when these items are due for return and any outstanding fines that you may have. You can also check your library account by selecting 'Account' on the Self-issue kiosks.
How can I renew my items?
Your items will auto-renew providing they have not been requested or there is an issue with your account.
Please note that 4-hour loans cannot be renewed during termtime under any circumstances.
How can I request items?
Any standard (4-week) loan or 7-day loan item can be requested. Please log into OneSearch and search for your item, select request and input which library site you wish to collect it from and click request. You will receive an email when it is ready and you then need to reserve a collection slot to come and pick it up. Details are in the confirmatory email.
Why are my items being recalled?
If the items that you have borrowed are reserved by another user the items will be recalled from you. You will receive email notification of which items are being recalled.
Recalled items are in demand and need to be returned within 7 days or fines will be incurred.
Lost, damaged or stolen items
When items are issued to you, you are accepting responsibility for them. If any items are lost, stolen or damaged whilst they are issued to you, you will incur our standard lost charge. For these reasons we strongly advise against borrowing items on behalf of others.
Self-issuing and returning items
Items (including almost everything in School Resources!) can be issued at any time using the Self-issue kiosks in both our libraries. Select 'Borrow', scan your University ID card or e-card and place multiple items on the flat. Please make sure all items have been issued before removing them by checking the screen. Books, DVDs and CDs can be returned using the Returns machine on the top floor of the Martial Rose Library or the kiosks at West Downs Library. Non-book items from the School Resources collection should be returned using the kiosks. The kiosks also give receipts showing what has been issued and returned. Please ask for a demonstration or assistance at the Library Desk.
Rules and regulations for library use
As with all University facilities, there are rules and regulations relating to conduct within the library and use of library materials. These rules must be adhered to at all times.
Noise in the library
The Martial Rose Library has Quiet Study Zones for individual work and the School Resources Centre and Study Rooms can be used for group work. However, please be aware that these areas are not soundproof and that too much noise can be distracting for other Library Users.
The West Downs library upper floor is more suited to group work and the lower floor is more conducive to quiet study.
Other study areas suitable for group work are provided elsewhere on the campus (Cyber Italia and Learning Cafe).
Mobile phones in the library
The use of mobile phones for calling purposes is permitted in the library but they should always be turned to silent mode when in the building. Text messaging is permitted in the building, but only if the phone is in silent mode. Please consider other library users before taking a call in a study area and move to an appropriate space.
Food and drink in the library
Hot and cold drinks with lids are permitted in the Library. Cold food can be consumed in quiet study areas, but not hot or smelly food. Please use bins around the building to dispose of rubbish and be careful not to damage to books and electrical equipment. Any mess or spillages should be reported to a member of staff.
At West Downs in the upper social area food and drink are permitted.
Library fines
The library has a fining system for overdue books. Please check your Receipt or Library Account for due dates. The Library sends an email notice if your items are recalled. If your book runs overdue you will incur charges as follows:
Standard (4-week) loan and 7 day loans:
£2 a day (max. £20)
4-hour loan:
50p an hour (max. £20)
Fines should be paid immediately; fines over a certain amount will prevent you borrowing items from us. Fines can be paid on the self-service kiosks using a card.
We encourage all students to monitor their library accounts or return items to us to avoid incurring these charges. If there are extenuating circumstances that may prevent you from keeping your account in good order please contact the library immediately by phone or email. These fines are in place to prevent valuable study materials from being kept from other users.
Distance and flexible learners
The library has a range of online services to support distance and flexible learners who live on mainland United Kingdom, outside the county of Hampshire or the Isle of Wight.
To use the online resources please log in to the University Intranet and visit the library's intranet pages by clicking on the 'Library' tab. You should be able to access the various resources to which we subscribe, including e-books and online articles. Please see the ‘Subject’ pages for your librarian’s recommendations.
The library has created guides on the following topics:
- Finding resources for your assignment: where to start
- Having problems accessing online resources? Trouble shooting...
The library participates in the SCONUL Access scheme, which may entitle you to borrow items from other participating university and public libraries. You can apply online. Not sure where your nearest public library is? Visit the findmylibrary website. For anyone based in and around London, the British Library is well worth a visit.
The School Resource Centre
The School Resources Centre (SRC) – located on the middle floor of the library – provides a wide variety of books and resources to help with planning and delivery of activities for children in the classroom. The collection is especially aimed at students following teacher training courses, but all students and staff are welcome to use it.
Alongside children’s fiction and information books we have multimedia, teaching packs, posters and active learning toys and artefacts. These resources are shelved together in a series of eight curriculum areas which relate to the whole range of the primary school curriculum and national guidelines. Additionally, we hold journals relating to child and school-centred topics. We also have a small reference children’s book archive containing facsimiles of early children’s fiction and textbooks.
We actively promote our collection by producing a range of value-added materials, such as booklists and displays.
The Martial Rose Library usually welcomes staff, students and researchers from other institutions via the Sconul Access Scheme.
From January 2025 to Summer 2025
As we enter the final phase of the major refurbishment of the Martial Rose Library we are now only able to offer study space to Sconul Access Scheme users during the week, Monday – Friday 9-5 at the Martial Rose Library.
We are unable to offer borrowing rights until the end of the Refurbishment as the majority of our stock is in off-site storage until the end of the project.
If you wish to use the Martial Rose Library for study purposes, please follow our usual procedures as indicated below.
We will update this page with more information as the project progresses.
Our usual procedures are detailed below.
Staff, students and researchers from other universities who have applied for SCONUL Access will be granted access to the library and borrowing rights if entitled. Please bring your University ID card, SCONUL access e-mail (or card, if you still have one) and a passport-sized photograph to the main library desk along with the SCONUL application form.
Please be aware of the processes for Sconul users. Please access the SCONUL website for more information.
If you are eligible to borrow from us, you may borrow up to 5 items at a time from the Main Library collection. Your loans will auto-renew unless they have either been requested by another user or there is an issue with your account. If you do not return requested items by the due date, you will incur fines. Fines are charged at £2 a day per item, up to a maximum of £20 per item on standard and 7 day loans.
Auto-renewal will continue for up to 60 weeks (with the exception of the reasons outlined above). At this point, if you still need to use the item, you will need to bring it in to one of the libraries to return and re-issue to restart the renewal process.
Any library items which are overdue for more than 4 weeks are considered Lost and attract a standard charge of £90 per item plus overdue fines. This is automatically applied and takes into consideration the disruption of resource provision to our users, the cost of replacing with a suitable item, staff time and administration. Any items reported lost or damaged by a user will attract the same charge.
We do not accept replacement copies under any circumstances and if you do find the item at a later stage, we can't accept it in lieu of the charge, as we will have already taken action to replace the resource.
Due to our Refurbishment Project there is no access to our libraries for members of the public, as we manage our spaces for our current students and staff.
All visitors are only allowed access when the Martial Rose is staffed. There is no access to the West Downs Library for visitors. Please email, if you have any questions.
The Sybil Campbell Collection is no longer housed at the University of Winchester. A significant element of the Collection is now at Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, London. It is not yet catalogued but can be visited by arrangement. Please contact: A revised website on the Collection is in progress. For further enquiries about the Collection, please contact Professor Carrie de SIlva, Chair of the BFWG Sybil Campbell Collection Trust,
There is currently no access to the Thorold and Lyttelton Collection for Health and Safety reasons. The Thorold and Lyttelton Collection is named after two local bishops whose personal libraries form its nucleus. The collection covers all aspects of theology and supports both the teaching and research of the University in this area.
For visitor Wi-Fi access please follow the steps in the guide here: Visitor wifi access
Members of staff from the Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust and the Southern Health Foundation Trust are welcome to use the Martial Rose Library and borrow materials. Please bring your NHS ID card and a passport-sized photograph to the main library desk along with the External visitors application form.
The library is committed to the University's accessibility policies. We aim to make the building and services inclusive for all. All comments and suggestions regarding the accessibility of our services are welcomed.
There are several designated disabled parking spaces in the King Alfred Quarter on Sparkford Road. Please contact Reception on 01962 841515. Parking is generally difficult here, so if you anticipate problems either with parking, or with entering and leaving the library, please contact the Enquiry Desk on 01962 827306 for advice.
Martial Rose Library
The library's main entrance is situated on the same level as reception, opposite the chapel. The entrance has automatic doors, with a lift to all three levels.
West Downs Library
West Downs Library entrance is on the ground floor. After staffed hours the entrance is University card controlled via the upper floor which can be accessed by the lift. The West Downs library is on two floors which are also linked by an internal lift. There is an Assistive Technology Room with assistive technology and a height adjustable table.
Support for students with additional learning needs:
Please email or phone the library desk on 01962 827306.
Contact us
Our staff are happy to help with any queries regarding the use of our services. The Martial Rose Library is located in the King Alfred Quarter.
Martial Rose Library
University of Winchester
Sparkford Road
SO22 4NR
General Enquiries
Tel: 01962 827306
Inter-library Loans
Disability support
Reading lists/Aspire support
Research/PhD support
Search Collection: OneSearch