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Juliet Winter is Senior Researcher in Learning and Teaching Development at the University of Winchester. Her role includes leading the TESTA assessment enhancement approach; overseeing and developing TESTA's role in the periodic review process and beyond. Juliet also co-leads on learning and teaching approaches to decolonising the curriculum and oversees the University's participation in the UK Engagement Survey (UKES).

In addition to her learning and teaching role, Juliet is an Associate Lecturer in American Studies. She teaches primarily in areas of African American history and culture and postfeminist popular culture.

Juliet is working to complete her PhD, which examines constructs of racial and gendered identity in the contemporary U.S. Her thesis draws upon transatlantic feminist scholarship and critical race theory to analyse representations of race and gender in American popular culture, politics and sport. Her recent research and publications have considered the cultural significance of Beyonce in relation to contemporary debates surrounding intersectionality, feminism, and representation. 



  • Winter, J. ‘Conceptualising Beyoncé as a Contemporary Race Woman: Considering How Far Lemonade May Be Read to Have Raised the Race and Gender Consciousness of Mainstream Audiences’, Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series at the University of Winchester. 31 October 2018.
  • Williams, J. Exploring the Success of TESTA: Enhancing Learning through Effective Assessment and Feedback Design, University of Winchester's Learning and Teaching Conference (June 2017).
  • Williams, J. Changing Colours: What Happens When You Make Enhancement an Imperative, Assessment in Higher Education Conference (Manchester) and Transforming Assessment Webinar Series (International). (June 2016).
  • Williams, J. "Ok Ladies, Now Let's Get In Formation": The Impact of Shifting Feminist Discourse on Constructs of Racial and Gendered Identity in American Popular Cultural Texts, PGR Symposium, University of Winchester (April 2016).
  • Williams, J. "In my mind I see a line": The Omission of Issues of Race in Contemporary American Postfeminism, Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series, University of Winchester (January 2016).
  • Williams J, The Winchester Research Apprenticeship Programme: Falling Down, British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR). (April 2014).
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