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Dr Alasdair Richardson is a Reader in Education in the Institute of Education. Alasdair has taught extensively across the school age range, from Key Stage 1 to A Level. Trained as a Special Needs teacher in Key Stage 1, he has been a Leading Maths Teacher and an Associate Numeracy Consultant for Surrey County Council. He has held a variety of leadership roles in schools, including two Deputy Headships. He has taught Religious Studies in Primary, Middle and Secondary school settings and Philosophy of Religion at A Level. He has been a school Governor in 3 schools, and is a co-opted member of Hampshire SACRE, for which he is a member of the monitoring sub-committee and the South Central SACRE Hub. He has been an external examiner at the University of Birmingham (Secondary RE PGCE) and is currently external examiner at the University of Lincoln (PhD Professional in Education), and has acted as an external panel member at the universities of Worcester, Roehampton and Liverpool Hope.

He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS), and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

Alasdair joined the University as a Senior Lecturer (RE), became a Senior Fellow (Knowledge Exchange) in 2021, and a Reader in 2022. He is currently the Postgraduate Research Student Lead for the Faculty of Education (FPGRSL) and was previously Faculty Co-Head of Research & Knowledge Exchange (with Dr Vicky Randall). He also led the Professional Doctorate in Education & Masters in Social Research in Education programmes (2016-20), and the University's Secondary PGCE programme (OFSTED Outstanding, 2017), managing the Secondary RE and School Direct routes (2013-2016). In these roles he was a member of the ITE Management Team for 3 years. He teaches mainly on the Primary & Secondary initial teacher education (ITE) programmes, the MA (Ed), the Assessment Only route to QTS, and leads various modules on the EdD. Alasdair is a member of the University's Postgraduate Research Education Committee, Senate Research & Innovation Committee, and the Centre for Professional Learning in Education. He was formerly a member of the University Ethics Committee and together with Rhiannon Love he co-hosted the RE Reading & Research Group with Hampshire Inspection & Advisory Service (HIAS). Alasdair has peer-reviewed for a number of journals, publishers and grant committees - in the UK and internationally.


Areas of expertise

Alasdair is broadly interested in learning and teaching in RE and the role teachers play in the formation of students' views and opinions, particularly when learning about sensitive or controversial issues.

Within this, Alasdair's research specialism is Holocaust Education. His particular interest concerns how students emotionally engage with the potentially traumatic discourses of Holocaust narratives and how we as educators guide and support them through this process. This was the focus for his doctoral research in 2008, paving the way for similar studies in the field. He is also interested in how we create memory spaces within society and at memorials and museums. Alasdair also researches the Nazi persecution of Catholics - he is currently writing a second monograph on this topic for publication in 2024.

Alasdair is an Educator with the Holocaust Educational Trust and is a graduate of The International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem in Israel. He is a member of the Education Consultative Group for the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) and is a member of the British & Irish Association for Holocaust Studies (BIAHS). In 2021-22 he was President of the BIAHS, and in 2022-23 he served on the BIAHS Board as Immediate Past President. He is also a member of the National Association for Teachers of RE (NATRE) and the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INGoS).

Alasdair was awarded the University Early Career Research Fellowship for 2016-17. His project focussed on emotional learning in Holocaust Education, specifically during visits to authentic sites. In 2019 he completed the University's Vice Chancellor's Futures Programme, with a project focussing on Knowledge Exchange within the Institute of Education.


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Richardson, A. (2022) "Introduction: Close-to-Practice research in Holocaust Education.' Holocaust Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17504902.2022.2058724 (open access)

Richardson, A. (2021) ’We too find it difficult’: A consideration of site-based Holocaust education as emotional labour. History Education Research Journal 18 (2), 247-263 Link Here (open access)

Richardson, A. (2021) "Lighting Candles in the Darkness: An Exploration of Commemorative Acts with British Teenagers at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum."  Religions 12 (29). https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12010029 (open access)

Richardson, A. (2021) "Touching Distance: Young People's Reflections on Hearing Testimony from a Holocaust Survivor."  Journal of Modern Jewish Studieshttps://doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2021.1874692 (open access)

Richardson, A. (2019) Site-seeing: reflections on visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum with teenagers, Holocaust Studies, DOI: 10.1080/17504902.2019.1625121

Books & edited volumes

Richardson, A. (2022) 'Close-to-Practice Research in Holocaust Education' Special Edition of Holocaust Studies, A Journal of Culture & History.

Richardson, A (2021) "The Salesian Martyrs of Auschwitz" Don Bosco Publications

Book chapters

(2024) ‘Death and the sense of decency; Dark Tourism’ (with Christina Welch). In C. Welch & J. Shadrack (eds), Religion, Death and the Senses. Sheffield: Equinox, Religion and the Senses series.

Richardson, A. (2023) “’Did You Have a Good Trip?’ Young people’s reflections on visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the town of Oświęcim” in Understanding Visitor Experience at Holocaust Museums and Memory Sites, Edited by Diana Popescu, London: Routledge.

Love, R & Richardson. A (2020) "Religious Education - What is it trying to do?" In Debates in Primary Education, edited by Virginia Bower. Routledge.

Richardson, A (2019) 'Playing devil's advocate: Classroom encounters with Holocaust perpetrators' in The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies, edited by Susanne C Knittel and Zachary J Goldberg.

Richardson, A (2018) ‘Transformative transition: the case for Religious Education (RE) in cross-curricular Holocaust Education across the Primary / Secondary divide in English schools’ in Holocaust Education in Primary Schools in the 21stCentury. Current Practices, Potentials and Ways Forward, edited by Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann, Paula Cowan and James Griffiths.

Richardson, A. (2016). Teaching Citizenship in English Primary Schools: a case of mistaken identity? Politische Bildung in der Primarstufe - Eine Internationale Perspektive. P. Mittnik. Innsbruck, Wien, StudienVerlag95-108.


Richardson, A (2019) 'One Amongst Six Million: An exploration of young people's identity formation within the contested space of the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum', Conflict & Identity Conference, 17-18th October, Lincoln College, University of Oxford.

Richardson, A (2019) ‘Testimony in the Classroom’ as part of the ‘British Values & Narratives of the Holocaust: A Cross-Disciplinary Discussion’ panel, British Association for Holocaust Studies Conference, 17th-19thJuly, Roehampton University.

Richardson, A (2018) ‘Asking Too Much? A pragmatic reflection on Holocaust Education in England, from past, to present, to future’, British Association for Holocaust Studies Conference, 24th-26thJuly, University of Leeds.

Richardson, A (2018) ‘Which Shoes Are Mine? Re-imagining the journey towards Level 8’, Society for Research in Higher education (SRHE) Seminar, 26thOctober 2018, SRHE London.

Richardson. A (2018) ‘Who Am I? Exploring our sense of citizenship in a Brexit world’, 17thInternational Students’ Research Conference, 15th-17thMay 2018, Riga, Latvia

Richardson, A (2018) ‘Asking Too Much? A pragmatic reflection on Holocaust Education in England, from past, to present, to future’, British Association for Holocaust Studies Conference, 24th-26thJuly, University of Leeds.

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Encountering Auschwitz: Visitors’ experiences of Oswiecim and Auschwitz Birkenau’, European Association for Holocaust Studies ‘2ndInternational Conference: Current Research on Auschwitz History & Memory’, 14th-16thNovember 2017, Krakow

Richardson, A (2017) ‘How Can I Tell People Your Story, Because It’s Not My Story? Young people navigating the memory landscapes of the Holocaust’, Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association, 14th-16thDecember 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Richardson, A & Jackson, T (2017) ‘Hearing Is Not Like Seeing Students’ encounters with the archive on the Lessons from Auschwitzproject’, British Association for Holocaust Studies ‘Interpreting Archives’, 24th-27thJuly, University of Sheffield

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Traveling Witnesses Students encountering Jewish narratives at Auschwitz-Birkenau’, British Association for Jewish Studies ‘Jews on the Move: Exploring the movement of Jews, objects, texts, and ideas in space and time’, 10th-12thJuly, University of Edinburgh

Richardson, A, Jackson, T & Michaldo, T (2017) ‘Learning on Site: A Tripartite Perspective on the Lessons from Auschwitz Project’, Awareness Responsibility Future: International Education Conference at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 4th-5thJuly, Oswiecim, Poland

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Holocaust Education & Emotional Learning’, 8thInternational Week of Professors, 8thMay, University of Latvia

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Images of Research Exhibition’, UoW Research & Engagement Week, w/c 24thApril, UoW

Richardson, A (2016) ‘The impact of emotion on learning about the Holocaust in schools’ Engaging with the Holocaust in Secondary RE, 7th-8thDecember, University of Exeter

Richardson, A (2016) 'Empowering Transformative Transition: Making a case for RE in supportive Holocaust Education across the Primary Secondary divide in UK schools', A Primary or Secondary Concern? Holocaust Education in Schools in the 21st Century: Current Practices, Potentials and Ways Forward, 7th-8th July, Loughborough University / National Holocaust Centre & Museum

Richardson, A (2016) 'Who Owns My Story? Holocaust survivors and their testimony over time', Bearing Witness More Than Once How Institutions, Media and Time Shape Shoah Survivors' Testimonies', 14th-16th March, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Richardson, A & Walden, V (2015) ‘Playing with Perpetrators an academic workshop’, Encountering Perpetrators of Mass Killings, Political Violence and Genocide Conference, 1st-3rd September, University of Winchester

Richardson, A (2015) ‘The Shifting Sands of Memory: Students’ Encounters with the Landscapes of Holocaust Memory’, 14th International Students’ Research Conference, University of Latvia

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘Textbooks, Tales, Testimony and Trauma: The Holocaust as a ‘contested space’ in UK schools’, Britain and the Holocaust (First Conference of the British Association for Holocaust Studies), 1st-2nd September, University of Edinburgh

Richardson, A. (2015) ‘Geographies of Trauma: Teenagers encountering the ‘landscapes’ of the Holocaust’ Tracing Topographies: Revisiting the Concentration Camps Seventy Years after the Liberation of Auschwitz, 6th-8th January, University of Kent & The Jewish Museum, London

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘The Case for PSHE+C in UK Primary Schools a teacher’s perspective’, International Conference on Political Education at the Primary Level, 25th September, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (Vienna)

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘Textbooks, Tales, Testimony and Trauma: The Holocaust as a ‘contested space’ in UK schools’, Britain and the Holocaust (First Conference of the British Association for Holocaust Studies), 1st-2nd September, University of Edinburgh

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘Beyond Belief: The challenge for students encountering the Holocaust at the edge of living memory’, Education, War & Peace (International Standing Conference for the History of Education 36), 23rd-26th July, ISCHE & IoE, University of London

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘Meeting with Disaster - Students’ experiences of learning about the Holocaust’, 5th International Week of Professors 12th-16th May, University of Latvia

Richardson, A. (2014) ‘Learning about the Holocaust: Confronting a violent past for a peaceful future’, Why War? Peace Studies in the 21st Century Conference, 1st-3rd May, University of Bradford

Richardson, A. (2013) ‘Holocaust Education The Students’ Perspective’, The Future of Holocaust Studies, 29th-31st July, University of Southampton & University of Winchester


Richardson (2021) ‘Holocaust & Genocide: Issues for Religious Education?’, Hampshire Secondary RE / HIAS webinar keynote, 9th February, Online.

Richardson (2020) ‘Young People Encountering the Holocaust: Emotional learning in classrooms and at authentic sites’, Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential CPD Event, 16th February, Online.

Richardson (2020) ‘The Salesian Martyrs of Auschwitz’, Holocaust Educational Trust Mosaic of Victims Study Day, 29th July, Online.

Richardson (2020) ‘Teaching & Learning About the Holocaust in Schools’, Holocaust Schools’ Symposium, 15th January, Heathfield School, Ascot

Richardson (2020) ‘Young People Encountering the Holocaust: Emotional learning in classrooms and at authentic sites’, Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential CPD Event, 19th February, University of Leicester. 

Richardson (2020) ‘A Boy and a Diary: Thinking about the Holocaust as an individual experience’, Cams Hill School Holocaust Memorial Day Event, 4th February, Cams Hill School, Fareham

Richardson (2019) ‘Emotional Aspects of Learning About the Holocaust’, Holocaust Learning UK training event, 1st & 8th December 2019, Northwood Synagogue

Richardson (2019) ‘Neighbouring Narratives: Visiting two national narratives at the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum’, Holocaust Educational Trust Teacher Study Visit to Yad Vashem Follow-up Weekend, 23rd November 2019, University of Leicester.

Richardson (2019) ‘Teaching the Unspeakable: Talking About Genocide’, Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 20th August, PQA Venues, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Richardson (2019) ‘Young People Encountering the Holocaust: Emotional learning in classrooms and at authentic sites’, Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential CPD Event, 19thFebruary, University of Leicester.

Richardson (2018) ‘Young People Encountering the Holocaust: Emotional learning in classrooms and at authentic sites’, Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential CPD Event, 18thFebruary, University of Leicester.

Richardson (2018) ‘Supporting Students Through Tough Subjects Teaching Difficult Histories’, TMSouthHistorians TeechMeet, 23rdJune, Poole High School, Dorset.

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Cross Curricular Approaches to Teaching & Commemorating the Holocaust what can RE offer?’, Hampshire & Wessex Secondary RE Leadership Conference, Hampshire Inspection & Advisor Service, 13thOctober, New Place Hotel, Southampton

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Encountering Difficult Histories: Presence, absence (and the Muppets)’, Holocaust Educational Trust Educator Forum / Teacher CPD Event, 26thNovember, University of Leicester

Richardson, A (2017) ‘The Holocaust as a Learning Space in Schools’, Teachers’ UK Residential Conference, Holocaust Educational Trust, 14thFebruary, Leicester University

Richardson, A (2017) ‘Holocaust Memorial Day in Schools Finding a place in RE for teaching about the Holocaust’, 18thJanuary, Hampshire RE Reading & Research Group

Richardson, A (2016) ‘Emotional Engagement with the Holocaust in Classrooms’ Engaging with the Holocaust in Secondary RE, 7th-8thDecember, University of Exeter

Richardson, A (2016) 'British Values in UK Schools What are they?', 15th International Students' Research Conference, University of Latvia

Richardson, A & Gray, M (2016) 'Making the Most of Your Doctoral Experience a workshop for doctoral students in Holocaust Studies / Holocaust Education', The British Association for Holocaust Studies, The Jewish Museum London (2016)

Richardson, A (2015) 'Holocaust Education: What types of learning take place in our classrooms?', Teacher Study Seminar, Holocaust Educational Trust, Stranmills University College, Belfast

Richardson, A (2015) 'Emotional Teaching & Learning at Auschwitz Birkenau', Holocaust Educational Trust & Museum Guides from the State Museum at Auschwitz Birkenau, London

Richardson, A & Walden, V (2015) 'Playing with Perpetrators an academic workshop', Encountering Perpetrators of Mass Killings, Political Violence and Genocide Conference, University of Winchester

Richardson, A (2015) 'Training RE Teachers for the Future', The Role of Faith in British Schools, South East England Faith Forum & UoW

Richardson (2015) 'Student Responses to the Holocaust', Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential, College Court, University of Leicester

Richardson (2015), 'Dilemmas & Choices Using the Resource in the Classroom', Holocaust Educational Trust UK Residential, College Court, University of Leicester

Richardson (2014), 'The (un)intentional emotional challenges for students on a Lesson from Auschwitz Visit', Holocaust Educational Trust Educator Forum, College Court, University of Leicester

Richardson (2014), 'Textbooks and Tears', Holocaust Educational Trust Yad Vashem Teacher Study Visit Follow-Up Weekend, College Court, University of Leicester

Richardson (2014), 'The Holocaust and Religious Education: Me, you, us', Holocaust Educational Trust Teachers' Summer School

Richardson (2014) 'Beyond Belief: The challenge for students encountering the Holocaust at the edge of living memory', Empowering Young People to Change the World Conference, Royal Wootton Bassett Academy & the Centre for Holocaust Education at the IoE, University of London

Richardson (2010), 'Teaching the Holocaust: Psychological Aspects? Teaching & Commemorating the Holocaust in 21st Century Britain', IWM North 3rd Conference

Additionally, Alasdair has chaired panel discussions with the Holocaust & Genocide, Pop Culture & the Digital online research forum, and for the Association of Jewish Refugees at their conference Connecting the Generations of the Holocaust: A First, Second and Third Generation Gathering.

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