Update your Alumni details

Make sure we have your up to date contact details so we can keep you in the loop with all things Winton Club.
Registering as a member of the Winton Society
Recent graduates are automatically members of the Winton Society alumni association unless we are otherwise notified at the time of your enrolment. If you are not receiving alumni communications by post or email you may not be a current member of the Winton Society. To join, please email us on alumni@winchester.ac.uk
Update details
Have you moved house, got married, changed your email address or changed jobs?
Email us on alumni@winchester.ac.uk to give us your current information. Alternatively, please download and complete the Alumni Communications Consent form. The form can be scanned and sent by email to Alumni@winchester.ac.uk or posted to Alumni Office, University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester SO22 4NR.
Alumni Data Privacy Notice
The University of Winchester treats very seriously both the personal data and the sensitive personal data it processes on behalf of primarily its students and staff members, and also a wide range of other people who it works with and has contact with, including alumni.
The University collects some personal data from alumni of the University, where the ‘purposes of the processing’ range from:
- sharing general updates and news about the University and opportunities for involvement (such as for example as a Former Student Governor in May 2018)
- opportunities to attend events
- informing alumni of a Postgraduate Open Evening
- complying with legal obligations where the University is required to provide personal data
- fundraising purposes, with the prior consent from the alumnus
In order to complete these fundraising purposes and activities, the University may gather information about alumni from publicly available sources – for example, Companies House, the Electoral Register, and other online resources – to help it understand more about them as individuals and their ability to support the University, including financially. The intention is to always ensure we use our resources as effectively as possible to help us engage appropriately with our community of alumni. In order to achieve this we may undertake wealth screening of our database.
Wealth screening (sometimes referred to as data enrichment and screening), is a process used by fundraising organisations to learn more about their constituents using trusted third-party providers, who will assimilate publicly available sources to provide information back to the University. It supports planning for our fundraising and engagement campaigns – allowing us to prioritise the portfolio for fundraisers and senior leadership. Wealth screening enables us to better target our conversations about fundraising and therefore generate funds cost-effectively.
When conducting screening, the University only uses vetted suppliers with the appropriate contracts in place. For the University of Winchester, the third-party company employed to carry out the screening are Factary
If you would prefer the University to not use your data in this way, please email alumni@winchester.ac.uk or call the Alumni Office on 01962 827600.
The University’s full Privacy policy is visible here: https://www.winchester.ac.uk/about-us/leadership-and-governance/privacy-and-cookie-policy/
The data protection officer for the University is:
Stephen Dowell, Data Protection Officer,
The University of Winchester, Sparkford Road
Winchester, Hampshire.
SO22 4NR, United Kingdom
Email: Stephen.Dowell@winchester.ac.uk
The name and contact details of our organisation are:
The University of Winchester,
Sparkford Road
Winchester, Hampshire.
SO22 4NR, United Kingdom