
We have entered into collaborative arrangements with a small number of partner institutions under which programmes of study leading to University awards will be delivered by the partner institution.
Our responsibility for the academic standards of all awards made in its name, irrespective of whether it delivers the programme itself or whether this is done in whole or part by another organisation, i.e. through collaborative provision.
Programmes offered through collaborative arrangements are monitored carefully to ensure that they meet threshold academic standards and comply fully with the University's Quality Assurance mechanisms and regulations and policies. In developing collaborative provision the University must be assured that the student opportunities for learning at collaborative partner institutions are consistent with those provided within the University, that academic standards are equivalent to those of comparable qualifications within the University, and that collaborating partners reflect the ethos, mission and values of the University.
Collaborative provision may be defined as:
‘an arrangement, secured by a legal agreement, with home or international partners, whereby those partners deliver or provide physical resources for part or whole of a programme to either enable students to qualify for a University of Winchester award or to articulate with advanced standing onto a defined University of Winchester programme’
There are a variety of types of collaborative arrangements. These different types of arrangements have different implications for the respective responsibilities of the University and partner organisation. The individual Memorandum of Agreement will set out arrangements for the administration of the collaborative arrangement and student entitlement in each case.
Below you will find the University’s Quality Assurance of Collaborative Provision Policy - which sets out the University’s processes for approving, monitoring and reviewing collaborative arrangements – and the University’s Register of Collaborative Provision, which details our collaborative partners and awards
For further details, see our policies and procedures section.
ICBS Business College, Greece
The University has an existing partnership with ICBS based in Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece. Validated undergraduate and postgraduate awards in business management are taught in either English or Greek and include:
- BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance
- BA (Hons) Business Administration
- BA (Hons) Marketing
- BA (Hons) Marketing, Communications and Public Relations
- BA (Hons) Tourism Management
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MA Business Management
- Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
- International MBA
- MSc Sustainability and Management
- PG Certificate Management Studies
- DMS Diploma in Management Studies
To find out more, please visit ICBS Business College
Sarum College, Salisbury
Sarum College offers flexible, part-time postgraduate programmes in Christian Spirituality and in Theology, Imagination and Culture, located in Cathedral Close on the north side of Salisbury Cathedral.
- MA Christian Spirituality
- MA Theology, Imagination and Culture
To find out more, please visit Sarum College