Winchester Students' Union
Welcome to Winchester Students' Union

Based in the King Alfred Centre, Winchester Students' Union is run for students, by students. We are an independent organisation from the University itself, and we are dedicated to representing and supporting you as students, as well as providing a wide range of opportunities, activities and events for all students across our Education, Welfare, Activities and Services Zones.
Your leaders, elected by you
The President, Vice President, Education and Welfare and the Vice President, Activities, along with the 5 Student Officers, are students elected annually by the student body to run the Students' Union, with support from a dedicated staff team. Look out for your elected officers across campus and on social media, encouraging you to share your opinions and views about your student experience. Have a chat to them, get in contact and make your voice heard as they will campaign on important issues on your behalf relating to all aspects of your university experience at Winchester, for example access to funding, student welfare, or enhancement of campus facilities.
We believe that students can be powerful change agents in shaping their academic experience at university, and we greatly encourage you to get involved with our rewarding Education Zone schemes. Through the Education Zone you can also get involved with our environmental and sustainability initiatives.
Student Academic Representatives Scheme (StARs)
Be the voice of your cohort and represent fellow students on your course at Student-Staff Liaison Committees, or be elected as Student Chair. You will receive comprehensive training, a free StARs hoodie and be part of our StARs reward scheme!
Student-Staff Recognition Awards
An evening hosted by the Union to celebrate exemplary practice from both students and staff.
Student welfare is a priority for the Students' Union, and we understand the challenges many students face when going to University. The Student Union runs campaigns throughout the year to promote positive student wellbeing, such as University Mental Health Day, “Let’s Talk About Sex” Week, and Diversity Week.
Student Recharge Days
Our Student Recharge Days encourage you to take a break from studying and focus on your wellbeing. We offer massages, therapy dogs, smoothies and breakfast bars, wellbeing support and tips, and ‘night off’ movie nights – all for free!
Period Poverty/Sexual Health ‘Freebie Bin’
We offer free, reusable and single use period products, different sized condoms, pregnancy tests and personal safety equipment - all available for free to all students as part of our Advice Centre.
Student Listeners
This is a peer support scheme run for students, by students who have received training in listening and support skills. Speak to our Student Listeners about anything from homesickness, low self-esteem, relationship/housemate difficulties, to course worries and more. Why not become a Student Listener yourself? The Student Listeners also run a weekly Wellbeing Café from 2-4 during term-time. You don’t need to book, just come and visit us on Level two of the KAC in “The Lounge”. You can meet new people, chat to a Student Listener, play games, and get a free hot drink.
Winchester Students' Union Advice Centre offers free, independent and impartial support and guidance on a range of issues that may be impacting upon your University experience. We specialise in supporting students through the academic processes of appeals, misconduct or complaints, and the Advice Centre also provides support on issues such as wellbeing, money, and housing. Visit to read our toolkits and find out more.
Our activity groups are open to all, and if you wish to join one or 10, please do! Or if you want to start a new activity group we will support you with setting this up and provide funding. Through the Activities Zone you can also get involved with volunteering, community action and fundraising.
Sports Teams
We have an impressive range of both competitive and non-competitive level sports. With around 54 sports teams available, we pride ourselves in being open to all, whether you want to try something brand new or join the sport you’ve been playing for years. See what teams we have.
We have over 40 different societies representing a huge variety of interests and areas of life. Societies are student-led groups that are supported by the Union, allowing you to express your passions and become part of a community at University. See what societies we have.
Representational Networks
Representational networks receive additional support from the Union and have an increased focus on advocating equality, diversity and accessibility within specific underrepresented student groups to directly improve the experience of students from the background they represent. See what networks we have.
Winchester Students' Union is a not-for-profit charity, which means that all income generated from our Services, across our bars, venue, events, shops and laundrettes, goes 100% back to the Union to fund all our activities and directly improve the student experience.
King Alfred Centre
The Student Union is located in the award-winning King Alfred Centre. The Vault, Terrace Bar and The Lounge are the social hub of the campus, Events take place regularly and include club nights, quizzes, comedy evenings, live music, promotions, multi-venue events and theme nights.
The Vault is the biggest and best venue in the city and was awarded national runner-up at the NUS Best Bar None Scheme 2019. The Vault can play host to a wide variety of events and entertainment and the Terrace Bar is our more relaxed coffee bar offering Costa Coffee. With fantastic indoor and outdoor seating, the Terrace Bar and The Lounge offer a great atmosphere and the perfect place to relax between lectures.
The Union also runs shops and launderettes on campus. These commercial services provide value for money for students and income to support Union core activity.
NUS TOTUM Discount Card
Once enrolled, you can apply for your National Union of Students (NUS) card, giving you access to plenty of student discounts. Find out more at
We want to give you the best welcome to Winchester, and will be providing a number of activities, events and welcome sessions to help you to settle into university life. Freshers Week is your chance to meet new people, get involved and find out what your Students' Union can do for you. For more information about Freshers and an idea of the programme of activity, please visit our website.
The Students' Union website is the only place to book onto official Union events, so be wary of any other sites claiming to provide freshers events.
Freshers Fayre
Our Freshers Fayre is an opportunity for you to discover the many extracurricular and cocurricular activities which are available to you from your Students' Union, the University and beyond. It will also be an opportunity to discover some of the local regions, leisure, culture and employment opportunities.
Your Students' Union
Above all, Winchester Students' Union is a membership organisation which promotes inclusion, participation and representation, here to ensure that you have
the opportunity to get the absolute most out of your student experience whilst studying at Winchester.
For more details about the Union, our activities and opportunities available, or to book any of our events, please visit our website.
Make sure you follow us on social media to keep updated with all our events, opportunities, giveaways, and what our elected officers are campaigning on for you:
Facebook: Winchester Student Union
President: @Winchester_Pres
VPEW: @Winchestervpew
VPAC: @Winchestervpac
Contact us
Alex Wilson
Students' Union President
Instagram: @Winchester_Pres
Sal Fox
Students' Union Vice President Education and Welfare
Instagram: @Winchestervpew
George Watkinson-Biddulph
Vice President Activities and Commercial
Instagram: @Winchestervpac
As a student at the University of Winchester you automatically become a member of Winchester Students' Union when you enrol, meaning you can access all our opportunities, seek support, and vote in our elections. If for any reason you do not wish to be a member, or if at any point you wish to opt out of membership, please email