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Our News

Winchester and Leiden: The start of a beautiful partnership
The University of Winchester is excited to announce a new Study Abroad partnership with Leiden University in the Netherlands, giving its BA English Literature students the opportunity to spend a semester at one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious Universities. Read more
Press Release
More than 300 children perform at Wild Hampshire
Hampshire Primary School pupils have been turning their new-found knowledge about nature into music and dance performances as part of a pioneering project run by the University of Winchester in partnership with The Grange Festival Learning. Read more
Our beautiful chalk streams may look clear but there's an undercurrent of problems
Hampshire is rightly proud of its globally-important chalk streams but while they look idyllic, appearances can be deceptive. Dr Tom Ball, Reader in Geography and head of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Winchester explains why a drop of science is needed to restore these vital habitats to their former glory… Read more
Press Release
Hold on for a bit? Grip test can highlight wider health issues
Have you ever felt you were losing your grip? Visitors to Winchester’s Sport and Leisure Park were able to find out last week when students from the University of Winchester ran a special grip strength testing service. Read more
Keeping protests at a distance - the thinking behind safe access zones
Emily Ottley, Lecturer in Law at the University of Winchester, has been giving evidence to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee as part of the Scottish Parliament’s scrutiny of the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill. If passed the bill could create safe access zones around all places providing abortion services in Scotland Read more
Press Release