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Henry Tellwright is a Lecturer in Dietetics and a registered dietitian. He graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2011 and completed an MSc in Food Science at the University of Reading in 2017.

His areas of clinical practice have been diabetes and paediatrics, before specialising further in weight management services. He has been involved in and also led the development of dietetic-led GLP-1 services, and has been involved in research encompassing the efficacy of digital weight management services. He has presented at national conferences around this research and on the introduction of GLP-1 dietetic-led services. He is passionate about areas of behaviour change, communication skills, treatment of patients living with obesity and diabetes, and the assessment of patients in preparation for bariatric surgery. 

Areas of expertise

Specialist weight management and bariatric surgery
Behaviour change in weight management


Nicholls, W, Lloyd. J, Shepherd, K, McArdle, P, Tellwright, H, Devonport, T (April 2023), 'Digital consultations for weight management in the NHS: A qualitative evaluation', Obes Res Clin Pract, 17 (2): 158-165

Conference papers

Nicholls, W, Lloyd, J, Shepherd, K, McArdle, P, Tellwright, H, Devonport, T (June 2023), 'Remote and digital interventions for weight management in the NHS: A qualitative evaluation & service delivery applications', British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society

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