Dr Matthew Smith
Senior LecturerSchool of Sport, Community and Health
Matt.Smith@winchester.ac.uk @MattSmith_psychWe encourage our staff and students to be enterprising in all they do and we maintain close ties with regional employers
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Dr Matt Smith is a BPS-chartered, HCPC-registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist. He was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Winchester in September 2018.
After originally working as a primary school teacher, Matt completed an MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology at Bangor University, and PhD in Psychology at the University of Chichester. On completing his PhD (awarded 2009), Matt worked as a lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Chichester before joining the University of Winchester in 2018.
Smith, M., Scott, A., Mellish, S., & Faulkner, J. (2023, January). Understanding the Experiences of People Living with Stroke Engaging in a Community-Based Physical-Activity Programme. In Healthcare,11, 2, 154-, https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11020154
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., & Callary, B. (2022). 'Nothing was lost sailing-wise and lots is gained on a personal level': Practitioners’ behaviors and athletes’ perceptions of working in online environments. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102285
Young, G., Smith, M., & Batten, J. (2022). Social Media Makes It Inevitable to Feel Bad about Your Body: Examining Self-Presentation and Body Image of Young Collegiate Females. Youth, 2(3), 217-235. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth2030016
Smith, M., Wagstaff, C. R. D., & Szedlak, C. (2022). Conflict between a captain and star player: An ethnodrama of interpersonal conflict experiences. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2022.2091681
Smith, M., Sharpe, B., Arumuham, A., & Birch, P. (2022). Examining the Predictors of Mental Ill Health in Esport Competitors. Healthcare, 10, 626. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10040626
Smith, M.J., Runswick, O., Jewiss, M., & Birch, P. (2022). Examining the Theory of Challenge and Threat states in Athletes: Do predictions extend to academic performance? Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2022.2069229
Smith, M. J., Young, G., Batten, J., Parry, K. D., Collins, R., Anderson, E., & White, A. J. (2021). Athletes with Neurodegenerative Disease: A Phenomenological Exploration of Family Members’ Experiences. The Qualitative Report, 26(11), 3492-3518. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4899
Smith, M., & Arthur, C. (2021). Understanding coach-athlete conflict: an ethnodrama to illustrate conflict in elite sport. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/2159676X.2021.1946130
Lally, A., Smith, M.J., & Parry, K. (2021). Exploring Migration Experiences of Foreign Footballers to England through the use of autobiographies. Soccer in Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970.2021.1930535
Smith, M. J., & Lowe, C. (2021). DIY assessment feedback: building engagement, trust and transparency in the feedback process. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18(3), 9. https://doi.org/10.53761/
Szedlak, C., Batey, J., Smith, M. J., & Church, M. (2021). Examining Experienced S&C Coaches’ Reflections on the Effectiveness of Psychosocial Behaviors in Coaching. International Sport Coaching Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2020-009
McVeagh, H., Smith, M. J., & Randall, V. (2020). It’s like it doesn’t really matter: Are teachers accountable and equipped for teaching primary physical education. Education 3-13. : https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2020.1844777
Smith, M.J., & Runswick, O. (2020). Temporal themes in athletes' stories of mental ill health: Informing coach understanding. International Sport Coaching Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2019-0073
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., Callary, B., & Day, M.C. (2020). Examining how elite S&C coaches develop coaching practice using reflection stimulated by video vignettes. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2019-0059
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., & Callary, B. (2020). Developing a ‘letter to my younger self’ to learn from the experiences of expert coaches. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/2159676X.2020.1725609
Smith, M. J., Birch, P. D., & Bright, D. (2019). Identifying Stressors and Coping Strategies of Elite Esports Competitors. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 11(2), 22-39. Https://doi.10.4018/ijgcms.2019040102
Figgins, S., Smith, M. J., Knight, C., & Greenlees, I.A. (2019). A grounded theory of inspirational coach-leadership. Scandinavian Journal of Sport Science.
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., Callary, B., & Day, M.C. (2019). Using written, audio and video vignette formats to translate knowledge to elite coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6, 199-210. https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2018-0027
Leggat, F., Smith, M. J., Figgins, S.G. (2018). Talented but Disruptive: An Exploration of Problematic Players in Sports Teams. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2018.1549621
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., Day, M. C., & Callary, B. (2018). Using vignettes to analyse potential influences of effective strength and conditioning coaching on athlete development. The Sport Psychologist, 3,199-209. https://doi.org/10.1123/tsp.2017-0060
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., & Callary, B. (2018). Exploring the Influence and Practical Development of Coaches’ Soft Skills in Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 2, 8-17. https://doi.10.1519/SSC.0000000000000421
Smith, M. J., Arnold, R., & Thelwell, R. (2017). ‘There’s No Place to Hide’: Exploring the Stressors Encountered by Elite Sporting Captains. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 30(2), 150-170. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2017.1349845
Smith, M. J., Figgins, S.G., Jewiss, M., & Kearney, P.E. (2017). Investigating inspirational leader communication in an elite team sport context. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching. 13(2), 213-224. https://doi.org/10.1177/1747954117727684
Smith, M. J., Young, D., Arthur, C., & Figgins, S. (2017). Transformational leadership in elite sport: A qualitative analysis of effective leadership behaviours in cricket. The Sport Psychologist, 31, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1123/tsp.2015-0077
Figgins, S., Smith, M. J., Greenlees, I., Knight, C., & Sellars, C. (2016). "You really could be something quite specialâ€: A qualitative exploration of athletes’ experiences of being inspired. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 24, 82-91. https://doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2016.01.011
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., Day, M. C., Greenlees, I. A., & Callan, M. (2015). Effective Behaviours of Strength and Conditioning Coaches as Perceived by Athletes. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 10(5), 967-984. https://doi.org/10.1260/1747-9541.10.5.967
Manley, A. J., Greenlees, I. A., Smith, M. J., Batten, J., & Birch, P. D. J. (2014). The influence of coach reputation on the behavioral responses of male soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 24(2), e111-e120. https:// doi: 10.1111/sms.12108.
Batten, J., Birch, P. D. J., Wright, J., Manley, A. J., & Smith, M. J. (2014). An exploratory investigation examining male and female students' initial impressions and expectancies of lecturers. Teaching in Higher Education,19(2), 113-125. Teaching in Higher Education, 19, 113-125. https://doi: 10.1080/13562517.2013.827645.
Smith, M.J., Arthur, C., Hardy, J., Callow, N., & Williams, D. (2013). Transformational Leadership and Task Cohesion in Sport: The Mediating Role of Intrateam Communication, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 249-257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031.
Birch, P. D. J., Batten, J., Manley, A. J., & Smith, M. J. (2012). An exploratory investigation examining the cues that students use to form initial impressions and expectancies of lecturers. Teaching in Higher Education, 17(6), 660-672. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2012.658561
Manley, A.J., Greenlees, I., Thelwell, R., & Smith, M.J. (2010). Athletes’ use of Reputation and Gender Information when forming Initial Impressions of Coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5, 517-532. https://doi.org/10.1260/1747-9541.5.4.517
Smith, M.J., Greenlees, I., & Manley, A.J. (2009). Influence of order effects and mode of judgment on assessments of ability in sport. Journal of Sport Sciences, 27, 745-752. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410902939647.
Callow, N., Smith, M.J., Hardy, L., & Arthur, C. (2009). Measurement of transformational leadership and its relationship with performance and cohesion. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 25, 395-412. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200903204754
Manley, A.J., Greenlees, I., Graydon, J., Thelwell, R., Filby, W.C.D., & Smith, M.J. (2008). Athletes’ perceptions of the sources of information used when forming initial impressions and expectancies of a coach. The Sport Psychologist, 22, 73-89. https://doi.org/10.1123/tsp.22.1.73.
Greenlees, I.A., Hall, B., Filby, W.C.D., Thelwell, R.C., Buscombe, R., & Smith, M.J. (2008). Warnings given to observers can eliminate order effects. Psychology of Sport & Exercise. 10, 300-303. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2008.08.004.
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