Dr Liam Satchell
Senior LecturerDepartment of Psychology
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Dr Liam Satchell is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. He his expertise is in individual differences and improving methodology for psychology in applied contexts.
In particular, his work focuses on identifying and describing individual people in complex settings, personality psychology, psychopathology (psychopathy and externalising behaviour), ecological psychology, and applications of psychology to school, business, policing, crime, and other contexts. This research is all targeted towards making psychological research work better for everyday use.
He is the module leader for Introduction to Psychopathology and Clinical Disorders (Year 1) and Personality and Individual Differences (Year 2). He supervises Masters and undergraduate research projects on a variety of topics related to psychopathology, first impressions and methodology. He has various other teaching responsibilities across individual differences, research methods and forensic psychology modules.
He consults on research and innovation for a variety of external organisations, providing psychological, statistical, and practical tools for understanding and supporting individuals in workplaces. This currently involves delivering training to support mental wellbeing at work, developing statistical approaches to manage within-organisation bias, working to co-develop better job interviewing with outside businesses, and other bespoke research and innovation activities.
He developed and leads the ‘Young Researcher Programme’ at the University of Winchester, which gives A level students opportunities to get involved with high-quality research. He is also the convenor of the First Real Interactions and Engagement in Naturalistic Designs (FRIENDs) lab, which co-develops research projects, related to methodological improvements, practical psychology, and wellbeing. The FRIENDs lab produces student-led publications and is host to a growing number of PhD students related to interpersonal behaviour.
He is involved with the Centre for Forensic and Investigative Psychology (focussing on normative psychopathy, 'antisocial' behavour, research methodology and idiographic data for investigative contexts), the Childhood and Youth Psychology Research Group (focussing on personality and experience of school), the Social and Organisational Psychology Research Group (focussing on first impressions and social dynamics) and the Cold Case Unit (focussing on psychological advice for cold case investigations). He also works with the Animal Welfare Research Group.
Areas of expertise
- Individual differences in personality and psychopathology
- Research methods for applied/professional contexts
- Research methods in psychology
- Ecological Psychology
Edited books
Mahmud, A., & Satchell, L. (eds.) (June, 2022). Mental Wellbeing in Schools: What Teachers Need to know to Support Pupils from Diverse Backgrounds. Routledge
Journal articles
Personality, psychopathology and measurement
Satchell, L.P., Corr, P.J, & Latzman, R. D. (2022) Pirates with Psychopathic Personalities? The role of sub-clinical and normative traits in illegal streaming and downloading of media. Journal of Research in Personality https://psyarxiv.com/gucr5
Satchell, L., Kaaronen, R. & Latzman, R. (2021) An ecological approach to personality: Psychological traits as drivers and consequences of active perception. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 15(5) https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12595
Satchell, L., Fido, D., Harper, C., Shaw, H., Davidson, B., Ellis, D., Hart, C., Jalil, R., Bartoli, A., Kaye, L., Lancaster, G. & Pavetich, M. (2020) Development of an Offline-Friend Addiction Questionnaire (O-FAQ): Are most people really social addicts? Behavioral Research Methods. https://psyarxiv.com/7x85m
Harper, C.A., Satchell, L.P, Fido, D & Latzman, R.D (2020) Functional fear predicts public health compliance in the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (1) https://psyarxiv.com/jkfu3/
Satchell., L., Johnson, H., Hudson, C. & Harper, C. (2019) Dispositional disinhibition and disordered drinking: Personality, alcohol abuse and risk appraisal. Substance Use and Misuse. https://psyarxiv.com/45u7x/
Satchell, L., Bacon, A., Firth, J. & Corr, P. (2018). Risk as Reward: Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and Psychopathic Personality Perspectives on Everyday Risk-Taking. Personality and Individual Differences. 128(1), 162-169. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.02.039
Satchell, L., Hoskins, S., Corr, P., & Moore, R. (2017). Ruminating on the Nature of Intelligence: Personality predicts Implicit Theories and Educational Persistence. Personality and Individual Differences. 113, 109–114. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.025
Bacon, A., Corr., P., Satchell, L. (2018) A reinforcement sensitivity theory explanation of antisocial behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences 123, 87-93.
Piotti, P., Satchell, L. P., & Lockhart, T. S. (2018). Impulsivity and behaviour problems in dogs: A Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory perspective. Behavioural Processes, 151, 104–110. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2018.03.012
Person perception and first impressions
Satchell, L., Jaeger, B., Jones, A., López, B., & Schild, C. (2023). Beyond Reliability in First Impressions Research: Considering Validity and the Need to “Mix It Up With Folks”. Social Psychological Bulletin, 18, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.32872/spb.10211
Satchell, L.P, Hall, J. & Jones, A. L (accepted Stage One Registered Report) Do we look at a threatening person’s face? The relationship between perception and observation of walking strangers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Satchell, L.P., Mayes, H.S., Lee, A.J., O'Reilly, L., Akehurst, L. & Morris, P. (2020) Is threat in the way they move? Influences of Static and dynamic information on threat judgments of unknown people. Evolutionary Psychological Science. https://psyarxiv.com/rjfcm/
Satchell, L.P. (2019) From photograph to face-to-face:Brief interactions change person and personality judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 82. 266-276. https://psyarxiv.com/f9xzy
Satchell, L., & Pearson, D. (2020). The Social Salience of Students’ Sub-Clinical Psychopathic Personality. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-017-9758-6
Satchell, L.P, Davis, J.D., Julle-Danière, E., Tupper, N. & Marshman, P. (2019) Recognising faces but not traits: Accurate personality judgment from faces is unrelated to superior face memory. Journal of Research in Personality, 79. 59-58. Doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2019.02.002. https://psyarxiv.com/63whf
Satchell, L. P., Akehurst, L., Morris, P. H., & Nee, C. (2018). Staying streetwise: Accurate judgments of approaching aggression in older age. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 14(1), 44–53. doi:10.5964/ejop.v14i1.1369
Satchell, L., Morris, P., Mills, C., O’Reilly, L., Marshman, P., & Akehurst, L. (2017). Evidence of Big Five and Aggressive Personalities in Gait Biomechanics. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 41(1), 35–44 doi:10.1007/s10919-016-0240-1
Satchell, L., Akehurst, L. & Morris, P. (2017). Learning to Be Streetwise: The Acquisition of Accurate Judgments of Aggression. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24(3), 356–364. doi: 10.1080/13218719.2016.1247420
Satchell, L., Morris, P, Akehurst, L. & Morrison, E. (2017). Can Judgments of Threat Reflect an Approaching Person’s Trait Aggression? Current Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s12144-016-9557-5
Investigative and legal psychology
Orthey, R., Rechdan, J., Satchell, L. P., Kyo, A., Matsuda, I., & Walsh, D. (2024). Applications of Legal Psychology in Japan: Current Practice, Research Knowledge, and Future Directions. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1).
Satchell, L. P. (2023). Discriminability in deception is not d: Reporting the Overlap Coefficient for practitioner-accessible audiences. Investigative Interviewing: Research & Practice, 13(1).
Vernham, Z., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Leal, S., Mann, S., Satchell, L., & Orthey, R. (2020). Applying the verifiability approach to deception detection in alibi witness situations. Acta Psychologica, 204, 103020.
Hudson, C. A., Vrij, A., Akehurst, L., Hope, L., & Satchell, L. P. (2020). Veracity is in the eye of the beholder: A lens model examination of consistency and deception. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Hudson, C. A., Satchell, L. P., & Adams-Quackenbush, N. (2018). It Takes Two: The Round-Robin Methodology for Investigative Interviewing Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02181
Easton, S., Akehurst, L., Satchell, L., Turtle, S. (2017) An Evaluation of an Abbreviated Version of a Checklist to Aid Judgements of Credibility 1 in the Medico-legal Setting. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology
Alogna, V. K., Attaya, M. K., Aucoin, P., Bahník, Š., Birch, S., Birt, A. R., [. . .] Satchell, L [...] Zwaan, R. A. (2014). Registered replication report: Schooler and Engstler-Schooler (1990). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9, 556–578. doi:10.1177/1745691614545653
Other applied topics (education, non-human animal, sports, technology)
Satchell, L.P., Mahmud, A., Warren, F. & Hoskins, S (2024). A personality approach to understanding disruptive behaviour in the classroom. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-06053-x
Mayes, H. S., Navarro, M., Satchell, L. P., Tipton, M. J., Ando, S., & Costello, J. T. (2023). The effects of manipulating the visual environment on thermal perception: A structured narrative review. Journal of Thermal Biology, 103488.
Shaw, M. P., Satchell, L. P., Thompson, S., Harper, E. T., Balsalobre-Fernández, C., & Peart, D. J. (2021). Smartphone and Tablet Software Apps to Collect Data in Sport and Exercise Settings: Cross-sectional International Survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(5), e21763.
Piotti, P., Karagiannis, C., Satchell, L., Michelazzi, M., Albertini, M., Alleva, E., & Pirrone, F. (2021). Use of the Milan Pet Quality of Life Instrument (MPQL) to Measure Pets’ Quality of Life during COVID-19. Animals, 11(5), 1336.
Frick, A., Schleihauf, H., Satchell, L. P., & Gruber, T. (2021). Carry-over effects of tool functionality and previous unsuccessfulness increase overimitation in children. Royal Society Open Science, 8(7), 201373.
Riley, L. M., Satchell, L., Stilwell, L. M., & Lenton, N. S. (2021). Effect of massage therapy on pain and quality of life in dogs: A cross sectional study. Veterinary Record, e586.
Knight, A., & Satchell, L. (2021). Vegan versus meat-based pet foods: Owner-reported palatability behaviours and implications for canine and feline welfare. Plos one, 16(6), e0253292.
Jones, A.J., Satchell, L.P., Jaeger, B. & Schild, C. (2020) Misunderstanding COVID-19 and digit ratio: Methodological and statistical issues in Manning and Fink (2020). Early Human Development. https://psyarxiv.com/ht74e
Book chapters
Satchell, L., Corr, P & Krupić, D (forthcoming) Personality and Intelligence in Action: Context, Controversy, and Challenge.
Satchell, L. (2022) What do teachers need to know about mental wellbeing in young people? In Mahmud, A., & Satchell, L. (Eds) Mental Wellbeing in Schools: What Teachers Need to know to Support Pupils from Diverse Backgrounds. Routledge
Mahmud, A., & Satchell, L., (2022) Conclusion: What can we do to support the mental wellbeing of pupils from diverse background? In Mahmud, A., & Satchell, L. (Eds) Mental Wellbeing in Schools: What Teachers Need to know to Support Pupils from Diverse Backgrounds. Routledge
Satchell, L. (2020) Psychology of perceptual error in forensic practice. In Birch, Nirenberg, Vernon & Birch (Eds). Forensic Gait Analysis Principles and Practice.
Satchell, L. (2019) A primer on children’s personality and performance. In Hoskins, S (Ed.). Growth Mindset for Teachers (pp 21-39) London: SAGE.
Media Engagements
Interviewed on podcast 'You are not "addicted" to technology'
Interviewed on podcast ‘Every step you take. How walking and walkability shape our lives’
The Young Researcher Programme appeared in the British Psychological Society’s ‘the psychologist’
Featured on Business South after speaking at the Workforce South conference on the future of understanding bias
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