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Dr Marika Rose is Senior Lecturer in Philosophical Theology. She works at the intersection of systematic theology and continental philosophy of religion. After completing her PhD at Durham University, Marika spent two years working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Durham before taking up a post at Winchester in 2016.
Marika’s recent monograph, "A Theology of Failure: Žižek Against Christian Innocence" (Fordham University Press, 2019) brought the work of Slavoj Žižek into conversation with recent debates about the relationship between mystical theology and 20th-century continental philosophers such as Derrida, whose work emphasises difference, otherness and negativity. She has continued to publish on Slavoj Žižek, with a particular emphasis on the entanglement of Christianity and Eurocentrism in his work.
Areas of expertise
- Continental philosophy of religion and systematic theology
- Slavoj Žižek
- Negative Theology
- Angels and Cyborgs
- A Theology of Failure: Žižek Against Christian Innocence (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019).
Book chapters
- 'Slavoj Žižek' in Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theologies, edited by Christopher D Rodkey and Jordan E Miller (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018), 479-295.
- ‘Not peace but a sword: Dionysius, Žižek and the question of ancestry’ in Mystical Theology and Continental Philosophy: Interchange in the Wake of God (Contemporary Theological Explorations in Christian Mysticism), edited by Simon Podmore, Duane Williams and David Lewin (Farnham: Ashgate, forthcoming 2017).
- 2017. ‘For Our Sins: Christianity, Complicity and the Racialized Construction of Innocence’ in Exploring Complicity: Concepts, Cases and Critique, edited by Robin Dunford, Afxentis Afxentiou and Michael Neu (London: Rowman and Littlefield), 53-64.
Journal articles
- 2019. 'Holy Mothers of God: sex work, inheritance, and the women of Jesus' genealogy' in Theology and Sexuality 25.1-2 (2019), 1-20.
- 2019. With Anthony Paul Smith. 'Hexing the Discipline: Against the Reproduction of Continental Philosophy of Religion' in Palgrave Communications 5.2 (2019), 1-10.
- 2017. ‘Machines of loving grace: angels, cyborgs, and the liberation of work’. Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 16.2 (2017), 1-20.
- 2016. ‘“It's Not the Money but the Love of Money That Is the Root of All Evil”: Social Subjection, Machinic Enslavement and the Limits of Anglican Social Theology’. Religions 7.103, 1-12.
- 2016. ‘Editorial: Radical Theologies: Why Philosophers Can’t Leave Christianity Alone’. Modern Believing 57.3, 221-227.
- 2016. ‘The Christian Legacy is Incomplete: For and Against Žižek’. Modern Believing,57.3, 267-279.
- 2014. ‘The mystical and the material: Slavoj Žižek and the French reception of mysticism’. Sophia 53.2, 231-240.
- 2014. ‘This Body of Death: A Response to Tina Beattie’s “Theology after Postmodernity”’. Syndicate 1.4 , 171-175.
- 2013. ‘The body and ethics in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae’. New Blackfriars 94.1053, 540-551.
- 2013. ‘Patristics after Foucault: Genealogy, History and the Question of Justice’. Studia Patristica 62.10 , 115-120.
- 2011. ‘The Stone that the Builders Rejected: Work, Empire and the Two Faces of the Bible’. Postscripts 7.3 , 305-310.