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Jane has many years of experience both as a registered social worker and General manager of a voluntary organisation and is now a Senior Lecturer on the BSC Hons, MA and MSC  Social Work degrees.

Jane was previously General Manager of a voluntary organisation which delivered mobile community development work to children and young people in Hampshire. Jane has experience of fundraising which including making successful  bids to a variety of funding organisations. In this role,  Jane gained experience in the management and strategic development of organisations in the voluntary sector. It was here that she developed  with a particular interest in delivering services and facilitating strategic community  development with Gypsy Traveller communities. 

As a qualified practice educator, she has provided support to student social workers placements for over 15 years.

She has been a keynote speaker at conferences both regionally and nationally for twenty years specialising in working with Gypsies and Travellers and other groups who are marginalised. 


Areas of expertise

Working as a parctitioner and a researcher with GRT groups



  • Peacock, J., and Herbert, M. (2013) The Accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers & Travelling Show people in Hampshire – (commissioned by 11 Districts in Hampshire), HCC.
  • Peacock, J. and Wilson, S. (2010) The mental health needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Hampshire for the University of Central Lancashire, commissioned by the DoH for the Delivering Race Equality agenda (informed the delivering race equality action plan for central government).
  • Peacock, J. (2009) The health and Social Needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Hampshire (Commissioned by GOSE as part of the Black Minority Action Plan for Hampshire - central government).
  • Peacock, J. (2008) A study of the perspectives of settled Gypsies and Travellers on whether health services meet their needs & if services are accessible (informed the New Forest District Health Authority and latterly the New Forest PCT on the health for all action plan).
  • Peacock, J. (2006) A study to investigate the health and social needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the New Forest (commissioned by the NF PCT)
  • Peacock, J. (2020) From Heathland to housing: a study investigating how a settled Gypsy community in the South East of England express and sustain their identity
  • Curtiss Hussain, T. , Earthy, S. (DR).  & Peacock, J, (DR). (2023) Exploring the placement experience of students from racially minoritized heritages
  • GRT handbook for practitioners  – in progress


  • ?(2010) Hampshire County Council Diversity Forum
  • (2010) University of Winchester University - Conference in social work practice teaching
  • (2010) University of Winchester  - International Conference on community social work
  • (2015) University of Winchester - Research presentation to the DED Summer school
  • (2018) University of Winchester  - International conference on working with excluded groups
  • (2021)  University of Winchester - Master Class on working as a practitioner with GRT communities
  • (2023) University of Winchester – Education Conference - on working as a practitioner with GRT communities
  • (2023) University of Sussex – collaborative lecture to colleagues on working as a practitioner with GRT communities


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