Natacha Harding
Head of DepartmentFaculty of Law, Crime and Justice
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Natacha is the Academic Head of Department of Policing, Criminology and Forensics, having started as an Associate Lecturer in January 2013 and progressing to Lecturer in January 2015 and Senior Lecturer in September 2018. Natacha is the current lead of The Justice Project at the University of Winchester.
She received her LLB (Hons) from the University of Surrey in 2008 and continued there to complete her LLM in International Law in 2010. Alongside this study, she completed the Bar Vocational Course at City Law School in 2010.
Natacha’s research interests focus on victim experience in the criminal justice system, the politics of victims of crime and victim policy. She is currently completing her PhD exploring victim of crime symbolism under Conservative rule in England and Wales. Natacha has written and presented on teaching sensitive topic areas and effective pedagogy around skills development and teaching theoretical subject areas.
Her teaching interests focus on miscarriages of justice, victimology, crime fiction and criminological narratives. She supervises undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations. Natacha teaches across the criminological provision at Winchester from foundation year to the MSc in Applied Criminology.
Higher Education Teaching Qualification: Higher Education Academy Senior Fellowship (SFHEA).
Teaching responsibilities:
· Introduction to Criminology
· Understanding Crime, Law and Justice
· Criminological Narratives and Stories
· Criminological Investigations: The Justice Project (both undergraduate and postgraduate)
· Undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation supervision
Areas of expertise
Victims - policy and participation
Miscarriages of Justice
Teaching practice - student development and sensitive topics
Harding, N (2018) Participant or Spectator? Victim-Focused Political Activity since 2010. Political Quarterly. 89(2) 237-245
Harding, N (2023) Reasonably Uncomfortable: Teaching Sensitive Materials Sensitively. In Young, S and Strudwick, K (eds) Teaching Criminology and Criminal Justice: Challenges for Higher Education. Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan pp199-224
- 2023 - Rights, law, other: Next steps for victim political reform in England and Wales' - British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, University of Central Lancashire
- 2019 - ‘I forgot I was in prison’: Experiences and Learning from Prison Based Education – University of Winchester Learning and Teaching Day
- 2018 - 'Bridging the Gap between Criminology Theory and Practice' – British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Birmingham City University
- 2017 - 'Playing to Ego: The (potentially) successful selling of criminal justice policy', British Society of Criminology Conference, Sheffield Hallam University
- 2017 - 'Delivering Boundaries and Engagement - Teaching about Sexual Offending', British Society of Criminology Learning and Teaching Network Conference, University of Derby
- 2017 - 'Delivering Embedded Academic Skills Teaching to Large Groups', Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Royal Geographical Society
- 2015 ‘Restorative Justice: A Criminological Perspective of Political Will’, British Society of Criminology Conference
- 2014 ‘Restorative Justice and Desistance’, University of Winchester Research Symposium
- 2013 ‘Sleep a distant dream: The story of a part time, unfunded, full time employed PhD candidate’, University of Bristol Graduate School of Education Doctoral Conference