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I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. I hold a BSc in Physics (Magna cum laude) from Ben-Gurion University, Israel; an MSc in Computational Neuroscience and a PhD in Statistics from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. I have also been a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, UK.
- D. Gill, Women and men integrate facial information differently in appraising the beauty of a face. Evolution and Human Behavior, Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 756760, 2017.
- D. Gill, L. DeBruine, B. Jones, P. Schyns, Bubble-Warp: a New Approach to the Depiction of High-Level Mental Representation, Journal of Vision, 15 (12), 2015.
- D. Gill, R.E. Jack, P.G Schyns, On the Modulation of Social Inference from Faces across Viewing Distance, Journal of Vision, 14 (10), 2014.
- D. Gill, O.G.B Garrod, R.E. Jack, P.G Schyns, Facial Movements Strategically Camouflage Involuntary Social Impressions of Face Morphology, Psychological Science, 25 (5), 2014.
- D. Gill, O.G.B Garrod, R.E. Jack, P.G Schyns, Beyond facial morphology: social impressions from dynamic face gestures, Journal of Vision, 13 (12), 2013.
- D. Gill, O.G.B Garrod, R.E. Jack, P.G Schyns, From facial gesture to social judgment: a psychophysical approach, i-Perception, 3 (6) 395, 2012.
- D. Gill D. The importance of facial features and their spatial organization for attractiveness is modulated by gender, i-Perception, 2 (3), 2011.
- D. Gill, Sex Differences in Facial Preferences, Perception, 38, 621-629, 2009.
- D. Gill, Y. Ritov, G. Dror, Is Pinocchio's Nose Long or His Head Small? Learning Shape Distances for Classification, Advances in Visual Computing, Vol. 4841 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 652-661, 2007. Best Paper Award.
- D. Gill, N. Intrator, N. Gavriely, A Probabilistic Model for Phonocardiograms Segmentation Based on Homomorphic Filtering, 18th Biennial International EURASIP Conference Biosignal; 18:87-89, Brno 2006.
- D. Gill, N. Gavriely, N. Intrator, Detection and Identification of Heart Sounds Using Homomorphic Envelogram and Self-Organizing Probabilistic Model, Computers in Cardiology; 32:957-960 (2005).
- D. Gill, L. Troyansky, I. Nelken, Auditory localization using direction dependent spectral information, Neurocomputing 32-33 (2000) 767-773.
- D. Gill, J. Hillis, R. Caldara, The Structure of Social Evaluation Space is Culture Dependent, The 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2011.
- D. Gill, Y. Ninio, Learning Facial Expressions: From Alignment to Recognition, ECCV Workshop 'Faces in Real-Life Images'; The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision 2008.