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Dr Gary Farnell is Senior Lecturer in English. His teaching and research has grown out of a base in Romantic studies and critical theory. The ‘fantasmatics of the present crisis’ denotes the focus of his work on cultural forms from the Romantic era to the present day.
Areas of expertise
- The subject of English
- Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century discourse, ideology and literature
- Celebrity/commodity/consumer cultures
- 2018 ‘Mary Shelley: From "Frankenstein" to "The Last Man"’, English Review, 28.3
- 2018 ‘The New Monster Literature’, English Review, 26.3
- 2016 ‘Faulks, Tagore, Proust: From Flaubert to 'Birdsong' through Adaptation’, English, 65.248
- 2016 ‘What Do Plants Want?’, in Plant Horror: Approaches to the Monstrous Vegetal in Fiction and Film eds Dawn Keetley and Angela Tenga
- 2016 ‘Anniversary Alice’, English Review, 26.3
- 2014 ‘The Gothic, the Death Drive and Angela Carter’, Women: A Cultural Review, 25.3
- 2014 ‘The New Woman (Which Is Not One) in Githa Sowerby’s 'Rutherford and Son'’, Women’s Writing, 21.4
- 2014 ‘“Talking Bodies” in a Zombie Apocalypse: From the Discursive to the Shitty Sublime’, in ‘We’re All Infected’: Essays on AMC’s 'The Walking Dead' and the Fate of the Human, ed Dawn Keetley
- 2013 ‘Melodrama’, with Peter Billingham, in The Encyclopedia of the Gothic, gen. eds William Hughes, David Punter and Andrew Smith
- 2011 ‘Gothic’s Death Drive’, Literature Compass 8
- 2011 ‘The Enigma of “La Belle Dame sans Merci”’, Romanticism 17.2
- 2010 ‘Theorising the Gothic for the Twenty-First Century’, in Twenty-First-Century Gothic, eds Brigid Cherry, Peter Howell and Caroline Ruddell
- 2009 ‘The Gothic and the Thing’, Gothic Studies 11.1
- 2005 ‘Benjamin as Producer in “The Arcades Project”’, Historical Materialism 13.4
- 2004 Reading Benjamin’s Arcades eds Merrick Burrow, Gary Farnell, and Mick Jardine (Walter Benjamin special issue of new formations)
- 1999 'Wordsworth’s “The Prelude” as Autobiography of an Orphan' Romanticism on the Net 13
- 1995 ‘Unfit for Ladies: Keats’s “The Eve of St Agnes”’ Studies in Romanticism 34.3
- 1993 ‘Rereading Shelley’, English Literary History 60