Donating to the University
The University is committed to helping not just our own students, but to enable people all over the world to have access to education and facilities that will play a part in making the world a better place for future generations.

Through the Winton Club, the University of Winchester's Alumni Association, there is a long tradition of former students helping existing students through donations.
We then give your money to students and schemes throughout the University that range from bursaries for students to help others through charity work to financial help for those in hardship, whether a student or alumni.
Developing their future
Bursaries and scholarships have been granted to deserving students in cases of emergency and hardship, and to cover the cost of travel and essentials for their work with children in developing parts of the world. Psychology student Helen Crocker was awarded money from the Development Fund to travel to South Africa in July 2009 to help with the Kids in Africa programme run by Vivisto.
We have also invested in the University for future generations of students. In 2008, Winchester Business School opened its doors at the West Downs Centre as part of the new Faculty of Business, Law and Sport. Generous donations supported the School's start-up: sponsorship of the Hoare Chair in Business by the Bulldog Trust, funding for the Sargent Resources Room and a postgraduate study space with IT provision from the Kitnocks Trust.
More recently, we have taken the decision to invest more in our West Downs campus, creating new teaching spaces for our students and the wider community. Learn more about our West Downs Development
How can you help?
There are many options for giving, and using Gift Aid means that you can increase the value of your gift to the University at no extra cost to yourself.
You can choose to make a gift annually, quarterly or monthly by standing order or you may wish to make a single gift by cheque, credit card or debit card.
Giving a small amount regularly by standing order is one of the best ways you can support the University as it allows us to plan for the future, assured of a regular income. The Development Fund also welcome donations made via the Charities Aid Foundation. You can also remember us in your will and leave a legacy which is a lasting gift to future students and to the continuing development of this unique community.
Make a donation
To make a donation to the University of Winchester, contact us:
Communications and Marketing Office
University of Winchester
Sparkford Road
SO22 4NR
Tel:+44 (0)1962 826839