Everything is all write on the night as Creative Writing celebrates 10 years of graduates

On April 9th in West Downs’ beautiful Shakespeare Room, 70 alumni gathered to commemorate a decade of graduates from the BA Creative Writing course at the University of Winchester. With students from each graduating year in attendance, along with the tutors who taught them, it was a fabulous evening of celebration, reminiscence, and the chance to catch up, share stories, and look to the future. In between food, drink, and chat, attendees were treated to music performances from Freddy Armstrong (graduated 2016), Madeleine Vaughan (lecturer), and Andy Melrose (Professor of Children's Writing), as well as poetry from Bethan Thomas (graduated 2017), Clare Holmann-Hobbs (graduated 2014), Grace Bawden (graduated 2015), Steve Mizen (graduated 2013), Harrison Bulman (graduated 2013), Wendy Falla (graduated 2015), Vanessa Harbour (Senior Lecturer), and short fiction from lecturer Matt Elphick. The night ended with lecturer Antosh Wojcik launching the 2018 issue of the programme’s Vortex journal - edited and designed by students as part of the Publishing 3 third year module – and readings from Andrea Johansen and Harvey Randall whose short stories were published in the edition.
BA Creative Writing at Winchester continues to go from strength to strength, with consistently excellent NSS scores, and graduates gaining employment in a wide range of creative industries as well as achieving publications for poetry collections, short stories, novels, and non-fiction.
We look forward to what the next ten years may bring.
Text by Glenn Fosbraey, Programme Leader, BA (Hons) Creative Writing. Photos by Ben Coleman, Y3 Film Production student
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