Alumni Profile - Summer, BA (Hons) Creative Writing and English Literature

26 Feb 2021

What are you doing now and how did you get there?

I’m currently working as a Marketing Specialist for a company which sells food production machinery to factories. My focus is on creating content such as blog posts, social media posts, paid ads, website pages or videos which will appeal to our target market.

Soon after the University entered lockdown, I began actively looking for jobs in marketing. I started looking online practically everywhere I could think of – LinkedIn, Indeed, company websites and more job boards than I care to remember. I was luckier than most, as I was fortunate enough to find this job in June.

What role did Winchester play in your journey?

My experiences from being at Winchester made up the bulk of my CV, which is what impressed my interviewer (and now boss!) It wasn’t so much the content of my degree that was most useful to me (but keeping to deadlines is definitely a useful skill!)

I’d say that the most valuable part of being at Winchester were the extra-curricular activities I was a part of. From 2018-2020, I was part of the Marketing and Communications team for Winchester Hub, which is a student-led voluntary organisation focused on involving students in community and social action projects. This meant I got hands-on experience with free marketing and design software, as well as building a portfolio of blog posts, email newsletters and social media posts that I could show to potential employers.

During my second year, I also opted to take a Professional Placement module, and my tutor helped me find a two-week work placement at a professional marketing agency in Southampton. Again, this added to my portfolio and my CV, as well as allowing me to make contacts in the industry (one of whom gave me a reference for my current job.)

What advice would you give to applicants looking at Winchester?

You need to feel at home wherever you end up studying – I knew instantly that Winchester was the right place for me to be because I felt so at ease on my visit to the campus and the town. Winchester is a relatively small university, which means you’re always bound to find a friendly face nearby! The town centre (and the train station!) being so close to the university is a massive bonus too. Before you make a decision, it’s wise to think about what your expectation is for your university experience – it’s not just about the course. Take time to explore the surrounding area and think about how this place matches up with your expectation. Is it easy to get around? Are you looking for an active nightlife scene? How do you feel about the city in general?

I’d say the other most important thing to do once you arrive at university, is to make sure you join in with extra-curricular activities like societies, sports teams and clubs. They’re what make you unique, and help you stand out from every other graduate. Say yes to everything you can – every experience is valuable!


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