5 minutes with ... Ivy Miller

12 Jan 2019
What are you up to these days?

I’m working as an actor, and in-between filming I write on my blog and work on my ongoing novel. I do freelance writing, editing, and photography, and am making some of my own short films. My first film was actually made from a short story I wrote in third year (which can be found here) and it got into a couple of film festivals!

Favourite Uni memory

In second year some friends and I were working on a script for Scriptwriting for Mainstream Television class. One Saturday we holed up in my room for ten hours straight with some food and music, and we pounded out several pages until we were finished. We had a celebratory dance party afterward. The euphoria of finishing a big project and being with friends was just awesome.

Advice for new students

Join clubs and sports teams! You’ll meet your people there, and it’s good to have time set aside for things that aren’t studying.

Best thing about The University of Winchester

Can’t speak for other programmes, but Creative Writing had the best teachers and classmates. Everyone was so creative and encouraging. We all wanted to make each other better. Also, Winchester as a town is absolutely lovely, and a walk up St. Catherine’s or down the river or a picnic on the cathedral lawn was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. I still have some stamp cards to my favourite cafés for when I go back, even though it’s been nearly three years.

Guilty pleasure

Staying up late. I know it’s not good for me, but something about a quiet house and the sleepiness of the neighbourhood makes it so much easier to relax and write.

Photograph by Vanessa Wenzel
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