Spiritual Journey

At Winchester we are learning from each other and sharing our experience of silence, meditation or contemplation. We strive to make a difference in a world where religious intolerance seems to be growing.

Your Spiritual Journey

Here at the University of Winchester we encourage everyone to explore the spiritual dimension of their lives. Coming to university is the last ‘great rite of passage’ and we really hope that your time at Winchester will be an adventure, a fantastic challenge you will want to rise to and relish, and a real opportunity to discover who you are, what you are called to do, and the difference you hope to make to humanity and to the whole of creation. 

Student Contemplative Community

Who we are

The Contemplative Community was set up in 2018. We are a group of students from all faiths and none: currently Atheist, Pagan, Buddhist, Christian, ‘spiritual seeker,’ Humanist – but we are open to everyone!

We have five staff mentors (currently Atheist/Humanist, Muslim, Christian, Pagan and Buddhist) who offer their experience and help ensure no one group dominates.

What we do

We meet twice a week for contemplation (Monday for breakfast and shared silence; Fridays for silence and shared lunch). We also have regular opportunities to meet experienced practitioners of different contemplative traditions, who serve as Mentors to the community. Every year we select a social justice project we commit to supporting through our work as a community. Twice a year we have an opportunity to participate in a residential contemplative retreat. We each continue with our own religious practice, if we have one.

Our vision

We are learning from each other and sharing our experience of silence, meditation or contemplation. We strive to make a difference in a world where religious intolerance seems to be growing. Come and join us.

Winchester Institute for Contemplative Education and Practice

Who we are

This innovative project, unique in the UK, is a network of more than 20 academic and professional staff from across the University who are keen to develop alternative forms of teaching and learning, a robust research base and practical tools for both personal and professional practice. 

Contact WICEP.

What we do

The aim of the Institute’s work will be to create a robust, inclusive and sustainable Community of Practice that includes academic and professional staff and the membership and work of the student Contemplative Community.

The Institute will be an independent extra-department unit, within the Senior Management Group, that exists to enable students and staff from the University’s different academic faculties and professional services to work together to develop the presence and effectiveness of contemplative disciplines, pedagogies and studies in the life of the University community and thereby to support the mission of the University.

The Institute will promote the development of contemplative approaches to teaching and learning; alternative and embodied ways of knowing; the integration of contemplative practices within both academic learning/teaching and personal spiritual development/awareness; and the development a robust research and publication agenda.

Membership of the Institute

Membership is open to anyone within the University. Current members come from psychology, archaeology, business, education, performing arts, student wellbeing, chaplaincy, arts, academic quality and development, theology, and health and wellbeing.