Highlight research projects in Humanities and Social Sciences
From conflict to cognition and creativity, from the Caucasus to the Caribbean, researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences carry out transformative research and knowledge exchange.

The Creativity Collaborative

Religion and Peacebuilding in Asia projects

Building Creative and Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education Project

AMPHORA project: archaeology and heritage for wellbeing

Heritage for Heroes project

The mammoth graveyard, the dig that sparked a documentary

Magdalen Hill Archaeological Research Project (MHARP)

Unearthing Caribbean contributions to western botanical knowledge

Caribbean Community Heritage Projects

The Palaeolithic Potential of Pleistocene Deposits in England project

Anglo-Georgian Expedition to Nokalakevi, Georgia

South Devon Rivers Discovery Project

Hispanic Anglosphere Project

Medieval Jewish Winchester Project

West Hill Cemetery Winchester Project

Examining the resources and revenues of royal women in premodern Europe