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Dr Majbritt Lyck-Bowen is a Senior Lecturer in Peacebuilding & Reconciliation in the Department of Social Sciences and a Research Fellow in the Centre for Religion, Reconciliation and Peace. She holds a BA and MSc in Political Science from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, an MA in Conflict Resolution, an MRes in Research Methods for Social Sciences and a PhD in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford.

Majbritt is interested in how communities move forward after violent conflict and how accountability for mass atrocities committed during the violent conflict is dealt with. Her PhD thesis focussed on the role of peace enforcement missions in securing the arrest of indicted war criminals (see: Lyck, M (2008): Peace Operations and International Criminal Justice: Building Peace after Mass Atrocities. Contemporary Security Studies, Routledge). She has also done research on the role of truth commissions in obtaining reconciliation after violent conflict and the prevention of radicalisation in primary schools.

Majbritt is currently managing a research project that focusses on the involvement of religious actors in the integration of migrants. This project is based on case studies from Germany, Sweden and the UK. Working with the European faith-based network of integration practitioners A World of Neighbours, she has been developing resources for a European multi-faith ethics of migration. She has also been exploring the role and effectiveness of Language Cafés in the integration of forced migrants. To find out more about Majbritt's research, visit the Centre for Religion, Reconciliation and Peace webpage.

Majbritt has presented her research at many international conferences and she is an experienced facilitator and conflict resolution trainer.

Majbritt is programme leader for the MA in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding and the MA in Reconciliation. She teaches research methods and methodology and peacebuilding.


Recent Conference Presentations

  • Lyck-Bowen, M. (2022) Goda Grannar – Igår, idag och imorgon (Good Neighbours: Yesterday, today and tomorrow): Research Project on Multireligious Cooperation on Integration. Invited speaker presentation at A World of Neighbours Week
  • Lyck-Bowen, M. (2022) A multi-faith approach to the integration of migrants in Europe. Invited speaker presentation as part of the workshop on Ecclesial Hospitality for Ukrainian refugees organised by Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) and Lund University, Center for Theology and Religious Studies
  • Lyck-Bowen, M. (2019) Together We Can Do More? An Analysis of Migrants’ Experiences of taking part in the Multireligious Integration Project, Goda Grannar. Presented at the Teologi i tiden - samhälle - engagemang (contemporary theology – unity and engagement) conference held in Uppsala, October 15-16, 2019
  • Lyck-Bowen, M. (2019) A Multireligious Approach to the Integration of Migrants in Europe: An Examination of Migrants’ Views on and Experiences of taking part in Multireligious Integration Projects. Presented at the Migration Conference at the University of Bari in June 2019
  • Benefits of Multi-Religious Cooperation on Integration: An Exploration of How Multi-Religious Cooperation Helps Migrants from Minority Religions Build Bridges to Their Host Communities. Invited speaker presentation at the conference on Global Refugees and Migration in the Twenty-first century: Policies and Narratives of Inclusion at the Berkly Centre of Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University in November 2018
  • A Multi-Faith Response to the Migrant Crisis in Europe: An Initial Examination of the Cooperation between Different Faiths on the Welcoming and Integration of Migrants and Refugees presented at the Migration Conference at the Harokopio University, Athens in August 2017.
  • Exploring the Opportunities of a Multi-Religiously Informed Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Myanmar presented at the ISSR conference Religion, Cooperation and Conflict in Diverse Societies at the University of Lausanne in July 2017.
  • Multi-Religious Cooperation on the Integration of Migrants presented with Dr Mark Owen at the Roundtable on Multi-faith Approaches to Refugee Integration in the UK at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in November 2017.

  • Multi-Religious Cooperation on the Integration of Migrants presented with Dr Mark Owen at the ECRL Symposium on the Role of Religious Communities in Integrating Migrants in Brussels in December 2016.
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