Healthy Lives Research Group

An interdisciplinary research group looking at individual and population health across the lifespan and across different contexts and cultures.


Health Psychology at Winchester

Based in the Department of Psychology, we are a group of researchers interested in individual and population health across the lifespan and across different contexts and cultures. Much of the research undertaken by the group is focussed on 'behaviour', whether in terms of typical health behaviours, such as physical activity, or in relation to aspects such as patient decision-making, organisations’ working practices or engaging with support services. Specialists within the group undertake the design, implementation and evaluation of behaviour change interventions across a range of health behaviours and applications.

Much of the group's research would fit under the umbrella of Health Psychology, and we work closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing. Health Psychology aims to study the physical and psychological processes underlying health, illness and healthcare systems, and to apply those findings to optimise health outcomes for individuals and groups. The group adopts a broad, holistic approach to its research, looking at optimising health and wellbeing in relation to the wide range of aspects of living such as organisations, environments, social and political systems, working practices etc.

Research events

We recently welcomed ecologist and statistician Dr Richard Gunton, whose talk What are people's values of nature commented on the recent values assessment of the Inter-Governmental Science-Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and critiqued attempts to construe every notion of goodness as a value. Richard outlined an alternative proposal for understanding how people value nature, and suggested how this might enable more fruitful connections between psychology and ecology.

In May 2024, we were delighted to welcome cognitive psychologist Dr Helen Keyes, Head of the School of Psychology and Sport Science at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. Helen's research on cycling has been on driver perception of cyclists (i.e. road safety), how cyclist personality influences cycling style, and on how to increase cycling uptake in schools. Helen is also interested in how attending live sporting events can improve subjective wellbeing at a population level.

Working with Winchester Health Psychologists

The Healthy Lives Research Group welcomes the opportunity to work with specialist groups and external collaborators. For any enquiries regarding collaboration, contact Dr Margaret Husted.

Current Health Psychology research projects

OPTIMISE: Dr Margaret Husted. Dr Debra Gray and Dr Sarah Golding in collaboration with Richard Hindley, Consultant Urological Surgeon (Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust).

This externally funded study is looking at men’s decision-making over treatment options for non-cancerous urinary problems. This qualitative study involves interviewing male patients to understand their key factors and influences when trying to decide between the various treatment options. This first stage study will then feed in to a much larger programme of research which will look to design, test and evaluate a decision-making aid to be used in practice.

PACT: Dr Margaret Husted & Dr Lynn McKeague in collaboration with Dr Tamara Everington, Clinical Psychologist at Basingstoke Hospital (HHFT)

This funded study is looking at patient experience and adherence to two types of medication currently offered to individuals with haemophilia. The patient interviews are providing us with data on the different treatment groups clinical experience as well as their perceptions of the broader impacts of both the treatment they are receiving and their clinical pathway to this point. The hope is that the findings from this research can potentially inform future clinical practice and patient treatment choice.

Postgraduate research

The Healthy Lives group welcomes enquiries from prospective research students.

Group members

For more information and enquiries, contact Dr Lynn McKeague.